Nov 18, 2014

Biblical Archaeology: An Introduction with recent discoveries that Support the Reliability of the Bible

My fifth volume has just been completed. It is titled Biblical Archaeology: An Introduction with recent discoveries that Support the Reliability of the Bible. 2014.  ISBN-10: 1502467070; ISBN-13: 978-1502467072. CreateSpace estore, Amazon, Other Books

 Each year archaeologists discover many new finds at sites throughout the lands of the Bible, but few of them make the news headlines. Revisionist scholars often seek to undermine and downplay the relevance of many of the discoveries, believing that Sodom never existed, the Exodus never happened, Jericho never fell to the Israelites, and David was never a great king. This work challenges the minimalist views by bringing together many of the new discoveries from the last 20 years highlighting the recent finds that are relevant to the claims of the Bible. Experienced archaeologist David Graves has assembled a helpful collection of discoveries that will take you on an amazing journey.

Biblical Archaeology Vol 1. Second Edition: An Introduction with Recent Discoveries That Support the Reliability of the Bible. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Toronto, Ont.: Electronic Christian Media, 2018. Full Color Edition ISBN: 978-1983978364; Black and White Edition ISBN: 978-1985349087.
While the Bible does not change, the same cannot be said for archaeological finds. There is a continual release of archaeolgical information each year that demands the need to update the discoveries for the public in a format that is both informative and understandable. Thus, this second edition was completed to provide the most up-to-date archaeological material and also make the material available in both black and white and color. The layout has been refreshed using a single column and many new images were added. It is the hope and prayer of the author that those who read these discoveries would be blessed and encouraged in their faith and that know that the Bible is historically accurate so they can better understand what is being said.

The Online Biblical Archaeology Companion website is free for everyone and accessible through this LINK. The website does not provide the material of the book but does provide photos from the book, enlarged and in color, external web links, and an extended bibliography for research, along with additional bonus material that could not be put into the book due to space limitations.

Each year archaeologists discover many new finds at sites throughout the lands of the Bible, but few of them make the news headlines. Revisionist scholars often seek to undermine and downplay the relevance of many of the discoveries, believing that Sodom never existed, the Exodus never happened, Jericho never fell to the Israelites, and David was never a great king. This work challenges the minimalist views by bringing together many of the new discoveries from the last 20 years highlighting the recent finds that are relevant to the claims of the Bible. Experienced archaeologist David Graves has assembled a helpful collection of discoveries that will take you on a journey to:
  • Confirm the historicity of the biblical events and people of the past
  • Explore the full range of new archaeological discoveries, from pottery, inscriptions, seals, ossuaries, through to coins, manuscripts, and other artifacts
  • Present a short history of archaeology, outlining its characteristics and role in Christian apologetics
  • Lay out the limitations of archaeology and its methodological fallacies
  • Explain the meticulous method of excavation
  • Explore the significance of manuscripts for the transmission of the Bible
  • Navigate the maze of arguments between the minimalists and maximalists controversy
 This insightful book will: 

  • Illustrate archaeological finds with more than 140 pertinent photographs
  • Provide numerous detailed maps, carefully crafted charts and tables of previous discoveries
  • Include helpful breakout panes, dealing with “Quotes from Antiquity,” and “Moments in History”
  • Include a glossary defining technical archaeological terms
  • Provide extensive footnotes and bibliography for future study
This invaluable resource provides an interesting and informative understanding of the cultural and historical background of the Bible illustrated from archaeology. This is an accessible resource intended for laypeople who want to know more about archaeology and the Bible, whether in seminary courses, college classrooms, church groups or personal study.

7X10 format, 458 pages. Over 250 photographs and illustrations. 
Available in color paperback at Amazon; Barnes and Nobles
Available in black and white paperback at Amazon; Barnes and Nobles
Sample of Biblical Archaeology Second Edition

See also

 Biblical Archaeology Vol. 2 Second Edition: Famous Discoveries That Support the Reliability of the Bible. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Toronto, Can.: Electronic Christian Media, 2018.

The first edition has been completely redone and now available in Black and White ISBN: 978-1987754049 and Color ISBN: 978-1987733730 Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.
7X10 format, 278 Pages. Available at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles

Thousands of artifacts have been discovered that relate to the Bible, but few of them make the news headlines. Revisionist scholars often seek to undermine and downplay the relevance of many of the discoveries, believing that Sodom never existed, the Exodus never happened, Jericho never fell to the Israelites, and David was never a great king. Volume one presented the recent finds from the last 20 years, while this work also challenges the minimalist views by bringing together many of the famous discoveries from the last 100 years highlighting the notable finds that are relevant to the claims of the Bible. Experienced archaeologist David Graves has again assembled a helpful collection of discoveries that will take you on a journey to confirm the historicity of the biblical events and people of the past. Graves will explore the full range of famous archaeological discoveries, from pottery, inscriptions, seals, ossuaries, through to coins, manuscripts, and other artifacts.

7X10 format, 278 Pages. Black and White ISBN: 978-1987754049 and Color ISBN: 978-1987733730 Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.

Sample of Biblical Archaeology Vol 2 Second Edition

Other books by David E. Graves LINK 

Updated May 9, 2018 

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