Feb 7, 2016



If you have an abbreviation to a journal, lexicon, or monograph series that you do not know, check out this online list for secondary sources in Biblical and theological studies (journals, lexicons, monograph series, etc.). Scroll down:

NOTE: Use Ctrl+F and type in the abbreviation to find the corresponding work.

Index of Abbreviations

No list is exhaustive so you may need to try a couple different lists depending on the specialty of your research.

Journal Abbreviations

Common Abbreviations for Theological and archaeological Journal Titles (italics) and Book or Commentary Series (no italics).
Based on the Society for Biblical Literature Handbook of Style (SBL) standard.

NOTE: Use Ctrl+F and type in the abbreviation to find the work.

AA                      Archäologischer Anzeiger
AAA                  Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology
AAeg                  Analecta aegyptiaca
AAHG                Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft
AARDS             American Academy of Religion Dissertation Series
AAS                    Acta apostolicae sedis
AASF                 Annales Academiae scientiarum fennicae
AASOR             Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research,
AASS                 Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur. Antwerp, 1643–
AB                     Anchor Bible
AB                      Assyriologische Bibliothek
ABAT2               Altorientalische Bilder zum Alten Testament. Edited by H. Gressmann. 2nd ed. Berlin, 1927
ABAW              Abhandlungen der Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
AbB                    Altbabylonische Briefe in Umschrift und Übersetzung. Edited by F. R. Kraus. Leiden, 1964–
ABC                   Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles. A. K. Grayson. TCS 5. Locust Valley, New York, 1975
ABD                   Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by D. N. Freedman. 6 vols. New York, 1992
ABL                    Assyrian and Babylonian Letters Belonging to the Kouyunjik Collections of the British Museum. Edited by R. F. Harper. 14 vols. Chicago, 1892–1914
ABQ                   American Baptist Quarterly
ABR                   Australian Biblical Review
ABRL                Anchor Bible Reference Library
AbrN                  Abr-Nahrain
AbrNSup           Abr-Nahrain: Supplement Series
ABSA                Annual of the British School of Athens
ABul                   Art Bulletin
ABW                  Archaeology in the Biblical World
ABZ                    Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste. Rykle Borger. 3d ed. AOAT 33/33A. Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1986
ACCS                Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
ACEBT              Amsterdamse Cahiers voor Exegese en bijbelse Theologie
ACNT                Augsburg Commentaries on the New Testament
ACO                   Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum. Edited by E. Schwartz. Berlin, 1914–
AcOr                  Acta orientalia
ACR                   Australasian Catholic Record
AcT                    Acta theologica
ACW                  Ancient Christian Writers. 1946–
ADAJ                 Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan
ADD                   Assyrian Deeds and Documents. C. H. W. Johns. 4 vols. Cambridge, 1898–1923
ADOG               Abhandlungen der deutschen Orientgesellschaft
AE                      Année épigraphique
AEB                   Annual Egyptological Bibliography
Aeg                    Aegyptus
AEHL                        Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land (1 vol. Rev and updated ed. eds. Avraham Negev, and Shimon Gibson, 2001)
AEL                    Ancient Egyptian Literature. M. Lichtheim. 3 vols. Berkeley, 1971–1980
AEO                   Ancient Egyptian Onomastica. A. H. Gardiner. 3 vols. London, 1947
AER                   American Ecclesiastical Review
Aev                     Aevum: Rassegna de scienze, storiche, linguistiche, e filologiche
ÄF                      Ägyptologische Forschungen
AfK                    Archiv für Keilschriftforschung
AfO                    Archiv für Orientforschung
AfOB                 Archiv für Orientforschung: Beiheft
ÄgAbh               Ägyptologische Abhandlungen
AGJU                 Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums
AGLB                 Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel (= Vetus Latina: Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel: Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel). Freiburg: Herder, 1957–
AGSU                Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Spätjudentums und Urchristentums
AHAW              Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
AHR                   American Historical Review
AHw                   Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. W. von Soden. 3 vols. Wiesbaden, 1965–1981
AION                 Annali dell’Istituto Orientale di Napoli
AIPHOS            Annuaire de l’Institut de philologie et d’histoire orientales et slaves
AJA                    American Journal of Archaeology
AJAS                  American Journal of Arabic Studies
AJBA                 Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology
AJBI                   Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute
AJBS                  African Journal of Biblical Studies
AJP                    American Journal of Philology
AJSL                  American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature
AJSR                  Association for Jewish Studies Review
AJSUFS             Arbeiten aus dem Juristischen Seminar der Universität Freiburg, Schweiz
AJT                    American Journal of Theology
AJT                    Asia Journal of Theology
ALASP              Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syren-Palästinas und Mesopotamiens
ALBO                Analecta lovaniensia biblica et orientalia
ALGHJ              Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des hellenistischen Judentums
Altaner              Altaner, B. Patrologie. 8th ed. Freiburg, 1978
ALUOS              Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society
AMS                   Acta martyrum et sanctorum Syriace. Edited by P. Bedjan. 7 vols. Paris, 1890–1897
AMWNE            Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Apocalypticism. Edited by D. Hellholm. Uppsala, 1979
Anám                 Anámnesis
AnBib                Analecta biblica
AnBoll               Analecta Bollandiana
ANE                            ancient Near East (Eastern)
ANEP                The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament. Edited by J. B. Pritchard. Princeton, 1954
ANESTP            The Ancient Near East: Supplementary Texts and Pictures Relating to the Old Testament. Edited by J. B. Pritchard. Princeton, 1969.
ANET                 Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Edited by J. B. Pritchard. 3d ed. Princeton, 1969
ANETS                     Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Studies
ANF                           The Ante-Nicene Fathers (eds. Roberts et al. 10 vols, 1994)
Ang                    Angelicum
AnL                    Anthropological Linguistics
AnOr                  Analecta orientalia
AnPhil               L’année philologique
ANQ                   Andover Newton Quarterly
ANRW                    Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung (ed. Haase and Temporini. Berlin, 1972–)
AnSt                   Anatolian Studies
Ant.                         Josephus, Antiquitates judaicae, Jewish Antiquities
ANTC                Abingdon New Testament Commentaries
ANTF                Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Textforschung
AnthLyrGraec    Anthologia lyrica graeca. Edited by E. Diehl. Leipzig, 1954–
ANTJ                 Arbeiten zum Neuen Testament und Judentum
Anton                Antonianum
Anuari               Anuari de filología
ANZSTR           Australian and New Zealand Studies in Theology and Religion
AO                      Der Alte Orient
AOAT                Alter Orient und Altes Testament
AÖAW              Anzeiger der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
AOBib               Altorientalische Bibliothek
AoF                    Altorientalische Forschungen
AOS                   American Oriental Series
AOSTS              American Oriental Society Translation Series
AOT                   The Apocryphal Old Testament. Edited by H. F. D. Sparks. Oxford, 1984
AOTAT              Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament. Edited by H. Gressmann. 2nd ed. Berlin, 1926
APAT                 Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments. Translated and edited by E. Kautzsch. 2 vols. Tübingen, 1900       
APF                   Archiv für Papyrusforschung
APOT                 The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament. Edited by R. H. Charles. 2 vols. Oxford, 1913
APSP                 American Philosophical Society Proceedings
AR                      Archiv für Religionswissenschaft
ARAB                 Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia. Daniel David Luckenbill. 2 vols. Chicago, 1926–1927
Arab.                      Arabic
Aram.                     Aram. or Chaldee
ArBib                 The Aramaic Bible
Arch                   Archaeology
ARE                   Ancient Records of Egypt. Edited by J. H. Breasted. 5 vols. Chicago, 1905–1907. Reprint, New York, 1962
ARG                   Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte
ARI                     Assyrian Royal Inscriptions. A. K. Grayson. 2 vols. RANE. Wiesbaden, 1972–1976
ARM                 Archives royales de Mari
ARMT               Archives royales de Mari, transcrite et traduite
ArOr                  Archiv Orientální
ArSt                   Arabian Studies
AS                      Assyriological Studies
ASAE                 Annales duService des antiquités de l’Egypte
ASAW               Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
ASNU                Acta seminarii neotestamentici upsaliensis
ASOR                American Schools of Oriental Research
ASP                    American Studies in Papyrology
Asp                     Asprenas: Rivista di scienze teologiche
ASS                    Acta sanctae sedis
AsSeign             Assemblées duSeigneu r
ASSR                 Archives de sciences sociales des religions
ASTI                   Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute
AsTJ                   Asbury Theological Journal
AT                      Annales theologici
ATA                   Alttestamentliche Abhandlungen
ATANT             Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments
ATD                   Das Alte Testament Deutsch
ATDan              Acta theologica danica
ATG                   Archivo teológico granadino
AThR                 Anglican Theological Review
Atiqot                ÁAtiqot
ATJ                    Ashland Theological Journal
ATLA                American Theological Library Association
ATR                    Australasian Theological Review
Aug                    Augustinianum
AugStud            Augustinian Studies
AuOr                  Aula orientalis
AusBR               Australian Biblical Review
AUSS                 Andrews University Seminary Studies
AVTRW            Aufsätze und Vorträge zur Theologie und Religionswissenschaft
AzTh                 Arbeiten zur Theologie
B                         &R Books and Religion
BA                      Biblical Archaeologist
BAAPG              Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bab                    Babyloniaca
BAC                  Biblioteca de autores cristianos
BAF                   Biblical Archaeology in Focus (Schoville, 1978)
BAG                  Bauer, W., W. F. Arndt, and F. W. Gingrich. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Chicago, 1957
BAGB                Bulletin de l’Association G. Budé
BAGD               Bauer, W., W. F. Arndt, F. W. Gingrich, and F. W. Danker. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 2nd ed. Chicago, 1979
BaghM              Baghdader Mitteilungen
BAIAS                Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archeological Society
BAP                   Beiträge zum altbabylonischen Privatrecht. Bruno Meissner. Leipzig, 1893
BAR                   Biblical Archaeology Review
BARead             Biblical Archaeologist Reader
Bar-Ilan             Annual of Bar-Ilan University
BASOR              Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
BASORSup      Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research: Supplement Series
BASP                 Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
BASPSup          Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists: Supplement
BAT                   Die Botschaft des Alten Testaments
BBB                  Bonner biblische Beiträge
BBB                   Bulletin de bibliographie biblique
BBET                Beiträge zur biblischen Exegese und Theologie
BBMS               Baker Biblical Monograph Series
BBR                   Bulletin for Biblical Research
BBS                    Bulletin of Biblical Studies
BC                      Before Christ.
BCD                    Basic Christian Doctrines (CETS, ed. Henry, 1975)
BCH                   Bulletin de correspondance hellénique
BCPE                Bulletin du Centre protestant d’études
BCR                  Biblioteca di cultura religiosa
BCSR                 Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion
BDAG               Bauer, W., F. W. Danker, W. F. Arndt, and F. W. Gingrich. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3d ed. Chicago, 1999
BDASI                Bulletin of the Department of Antiquities of the State of Israel
BDB                  Brown, F., S. R. Driver, and C. A. Briggs. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament. Oxford, 1907
BDF                   Blass, F., A. Debrunner, and R. W. Funk. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Chicago, 1961
BEATAJ           Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des antiken Judentum
BEB                   Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible. Edited by W. A. Elwell. 2 vols. Grand Rapids, 1988
BECNT             Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
BeO                    Bibbia e oriente
Ber                     Berytus
BerMatÖAI      Berichte und Materialien des Österreichischen archäologischen Instituts
BETL                Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium
BEvT                 Beiträge zur evangelischen Theologie
BFCT                Beiträge zur Förderung christlicher Theologie
BFT                   Biblical Foundations in Theology
BGBE                Beiträge zur Geschichte der biblischen Exegese
BGU                  Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen Staatlichen Museen zuBerlin, Griechische Urkunden. 15 vols. Berlin, 1895–1983.
BHEAT              Bulletin d’histoire et d’exégèse de l’Ancien Testament
BHG                   Bibliotheca hagiographica Graece. Brussels, 1977
BHH                   Biblisch-historisches Handwörterbuch: Landeskunde, Geschichte, Religion, Kultur. Edited by B. Reicke and L. Rost. 4 vols. Göttingen, 1962–1966
BHK                   Biblia Hebraica. Edited by R. Kittel. Stuttgart, 1905–1906, 19252, 19373, 19514, 197316
BHL                   Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis. 2 vols. Brussels, 1898–1901
BHO                   Bibliotheca hagiographica orientalis. Brussels, 1910
BHS                   Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph. Stuttgart, 1983
BHT                  Beiträge zur historischen Theologie
BI                       Biblical Illustrator
BIA                     Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology
Bib                     Biblica
BibB                  Biblische Beiträge
BiBh                  Bible Bhashyam
BibInt                Biblical Interpretation
BibLeb              Bibel und Leben
BibOr                 Biblica et orientalia
BibS                   (F) Biblische Studien (Freiburg, 1895–)
BibS                   (N) Biblische Studien (Neukirchen, 1951–)
BIES                  Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society (= Yediot)
BIFAO               Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale
Bijdr                  Bijdragen: Tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie
BIN                    Babylonian Inscriptions in the Collection of James B. Nies
Bint                    The Bible and Interpretation
BIOSCS             Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies
BiPa                   Biblia Patristica: Indexdes citations et allusions bibliques dans la littérature. Paris, 1975–
BJ                       Bonner Jahrbücher
BJPES               Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society
BJRL                  Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester
BJS                    Brown Judaic Studies
BJVF                 Berliner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte
BK                      Bibel und Kirche
BKAT                Biblischer Kommentar, Altes Testament. Edited by M. Noth and H. W. Wolff
BKBC                The Bible Knowledge Background Commentary: Acts-Philemon (eds. Craig A. Evans and Isobel A. Combes)
BL                      Bibel und Liturgie
BLE                    Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique
BLit                    Bibliothèque liturgique
BMes                 Bibliotheca mesopotamica
BN                      Biblische Notizen
BNTC                Black’s New Testament Commentaries
BO                      Bibliotheca orientalis
Böhl                   Böhl, F. M. Th. de Liagre. Opera minora: Studies en bijdragen op Assyriologisch en Oudtestamentisch terrein. Groningen, 1953
BOR                   Babylonian and Oriental Record
Bousset             -Gressmann Bousset, W., and H. Gressmann, Die Religion des Judentums im späthellenistischen Zeitalter. 3d ed. Tübingen, 1926
BR                      Biblical Research
BRB                   Biblical Research Bulletin
BRev                  Bible Review
BRL2                  Biblisches Reallexikon. 2nd ed. Edited by K. Galling. HAT 1/1. Tübingen, 1977
BRRSup            Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement
BS                      Bible and Spade
BSAA                 Bulletin de la Société archéologique d’Alexandrie
BSac                  Bibliotheca sacra
BSAC                 Bulletin de la Société d’archéologie copte
BSC                   Bible Student’s Commentary
BSGW               Berichte der Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
BSOAS              Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
BST                    The Bible Speaks Today
BT                      The Bible Translator
BTB                    Biblical Theology Bulletin
BTGJCS            Biblical Turkey: A Guide to Jewish and Christian Sites of Asia Minor (Wilson, 2010)
BThAM              Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale
BTrans              Bible Translator
BTS                    Bible et terre sainte
BTZ                    Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift
Budé                  Collection des universités de France, publiée sous le patronage de l’Association Guillaume Budé
Burg                  Burgense
BurH                  Buried History
BV                      Biblical Viewpoint
BVC                   Bible et vie chrétienne
BW                     The Biblical World: A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Edited by C. F. Pfeiffer. Grand Rapids, 1966
BWA(N)T         Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten (und Neuen) Testament
BWL                   Babylonian Wisdom Literature. W. G. Lambert. Oxford, 1960
ByF                    Biblia y fe
Byz.                   Byzantine
Byzantion           Byzantion
ByzF                  Byzantinische Forschungen
ByzZ                   Byzantinische Zeitschrift
BZ                      Biblische Zeitschrift
BzA                   Beiträge zur Assyriologie
BZAW               Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
BZNW               Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
BZRGG             Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
BWANT            Beitrage zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament
CA                      Convivium assisiense
ca.                      Lat. circa “around, about, approximately”
CAD                   The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Chicago, 1956–
CaE                   Cahiers évangile
CAGN                Collected Ancient Greek Novels. Edited by B. P. Reardon. Berkeley, 1989
CAH                  Cambridge Ancient History
CahRB              Cahiers de la Revue biblique
CahT                 Cahiers Théologiques
CAJ                    Cambridge Archaeological Journal
CANE                Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Edited by J. Sasson. 4 vols. New York, 1995
CAP                   Cowley, A. E. Aramaic Papyri of the Fifth Century B.C. Oxford, 1923
Car                    Carthagiensia
CAT                   Commentaire de l’Ancien Testament
CB                      Cultura bíblica
CBC                  Cambridge Bible Commentary
CBD                        The Classic Bible Dictionary (ed Jay P. Green 1996).
CBET                Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology
CBM                 Chester Beatty Monographs
CBQ                   Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CBQMS            Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series
CBTJ                 Calvary Baptist Theological Journal
CBW                       Cities of the Biblical World: An Introduction to the Archaeology, Geography, and History of Biblical Sites (DeVries, 2006)
CC                     Continental Commentaries
CCath               Corpus Catholicorum
CCC                      The Crossway Classic Commentaries
CCCM              Corpus Christianorum: Continuatio mediaevalis. Turnhout, 1969–
CClCr               Civilità classica e cristiana
CCS                        The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics (ed. Brad Inwood)
CCSG                Corpus Christianorum: Series graeca. Turnhout, 1977–
CCSL                Corpus Christianorum: Series latina. Turnhout, 1953–
CCT                   Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets in the British Museum
CDME               A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Edited by R. O. Faulkner. Oxford, 1962
CE                      The Catholic Encyclopedia (eds. Charles G. Herbermann, Edward A. Pace, Conde B. Pallen, Thomas J. Shahan, and John J. Wynne)
cent.                   century
CETS                 Contemporary Evangelical Thought Series
CEV                   Contemporary English Version
CF                      Classical Folia
cf.                       conferer (French) = compare
CGTC                Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary
CGTSC             Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges
CH                     Church History
ch. / chs.            chapter and chapters, respectively.
CHB                   The Cambridge History of the Bible (3 vols. ed. Ackroyd, Evans, Lampe, and Greenslade, 1963–75)
CHJ                   Cambridge History of Judaism. Ed. W. D. Davies and Louis Finkelstein. Cambridge, 1984–
Chm                  Churchman
CHR                   Catholic Historical Review
ChrCent            Christian Century
ChrEg               Chronique d’Egypte
ChrLit               Christianity and Literature
CIC                    Corpus inscriptionum chaldicarum
CIG                    Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. Edited by A. Boeckh. 4 vols. Berlin, 1828–1877
CII                      Corpus inscriptionum iudaicarum. Edited by J. B. Frey. 2 vols. Rome, 1936–1952
CIJ                     Corpus inscriptionum judaicarum (ed. P. Jean-Baptiste Frey).
CIL                     Corpus inscriptionum latinarum
cir.                          circa (Lat.) = about.
CIS                     Corpus inscriptionum semiticarum
CJ                      Classical Journal
CJT                    Canadian Journal of Theology
Cmio                  Communio: Commentarii internationales de ecclesia et theología
CML                  Canaanite Myths and Legends. Edited by G. R. Driver. Edinburgh, 1956. Edited by J. C. L. Gibson, 19782
CNG                        Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. www.cngcoins.com
CNS                   Cristianesimo nella storia
CNT                   Commentaire du Nouveau Testament
Coll                   Collationes
Colloq               Colloquium
ColT                  Collectanea theologica
Comm                Communio
Comm.                    Commentary.
Comp                 Compostellanum
ConBNT           Coniectanea neotestamentica or Coniectanea biblica: New Testament Series
ConBOT           Coniectanea biblica: Old Testament Series
Cont                  Continuum
COS                   The Context of Scripture. Edited by W. W. Hallo and Younger. 3 vols. Leiden, 1997–2002
COut                  Commentaar op het Oude Testament
CP                      Classical Philology
CPG                   Clavis patrum graecorum. Edited by M. Geerard. 5 vols. Turnhout, 1974–1987
CPJ                    Corpus papyrorum judaicorum. Edited by V. Tcherikover. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1957–1964.
CPL                   Clavis patrum latinorum. Edited by E. Dekkers. 2nd ed. Steenbrugis, 1961
CQ                     Church Quarterly
CQ                     Classical Quarterly
CQR                   Church Quarterly Review
CRAI                 Comptes rendus de l’Académie des inscriptions et belleslettres
CRBR                Critical Review of Books in Religion
CRINT              Compendia rerum iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum
CRTL                Cahiers de la Revue théologique de Louvain
Crux                  Crux
CSCO                Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium. Edited by I. B. Chabot et al. Paris, 1903–
CSEL                 Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum
CSHB                Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae
CSJH                 Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism
CSNTM            The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts
CSRB                Council on the Study of Religion: Bulletin
CT                      Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum
CTA                   Corpus des tablettes en cunéiformes alphabétiques découvertes à Ras Shamra-Ugarit de 1929 à 1939. Edited by A. Herdner. Mission de Ras Shamra 10. Paris, 1963
CTAED              Canaanite Toponyms in Ancient Egyptian Documents. S. Ahituv. Jerusalem, 1984
CTJ                    Calvin Theological Journal
CTM                  Concordia Theological Monthly
CTQ                   Concordia Theological Quarterly
CTR                   Criswell Theological Review
CTU                   The Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts from Ugarit, Ras Ibn Hani, and Other Places. Edited by M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, and J. Sanmartín. Münster, 1995.
CUL                   A Concordance of the Ugaritic Literature. R. E. Whitaker. Cambridge, Mass., 1972
CurBS               Currents in Research: Biblical Studies
CurTM              Currents in Theology and Mission
CV                      Communio viatorum
CW                     Classical World
CWS                  Classics of Western Spirituality. New York, 1978–
d.                        died
DACL                Dictionnaire d’archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie. Edited by F. Cabrol. 15 vols. Paris, 1907–1953
DB                      Dictionnaire de la Bible. Edited by F. Vigouroux. 5 vols. 1895–1912
DBAT                 Dielheimer Blätter zum Alten Testament und seiner Rezeption in der Alten Kirche
DBI                    Dictionary of Biblical Imagery (Ryken, Wilhoit and Longman eds. 1998)
DBib5                A Dictionary of the Bible (eds. Hastings and Selbie, 5 vols. 1911)
DBSup               Dictionnaire de la Bible: Supplément. Edited by L. Pirot and A. Robert. Paris, 1928–
DBT                   Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Edited by X. Léon-Dufour. 2nd ed. 1972
DCB                   Dictionary of Christian Biography. Edited by W. Smith and H. Wace. 4 vols. London, 1877–1887
DCG                  Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels. Edited by J. Hastings. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1908
DCH                  Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. Edited by D. J. A. Clines. Sheffield, 1993–
DDD                  Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible. Edited by K. van der Toorn, B. Becking, and P. W. van der Horst. Leiden, 1999
DHA                   Dialogues d’histoire ancienne
Di                       Dialog
Dict.                   Dictionary
Did                     Didaskalia
DISO                  Dictionnaire des inscriptions sémitiques de l’ouest. Edited by Ch. F. Jean and J. Hoftijzer. Leiden, 1965
DissAb               Dissertation Abstracts
DivThom           Divus Thomas
DJD                    Discoveries in the Judaean Desert
DJG                   Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Edited by J. B. Green and S. McKnight. Downers Grove, 1992
DLE                   Dictionary of Late Egyptian. Edited by L. H. Lesko and B. S. Lesko. 4 vols. Berkeley, 1982–1989
DLNT                 Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments. Edited by R. P. Martin and P. H. Davids. Downers Grove, 1997
DNP                   Der neue Pauly: Enzyklopädie der Antike. Edited by H. Cancik and H. Schneider. Stuttgart, 1996–
DNTB                Dictionary of New Testament Background (eds. Evans and Porter, 2000)
DNWSI              Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions. J. Hoftijzer and K. Jongeling. 2 vols. Leiden, 1995
DOP                   Dumbarton Oaks Papers
DOTT                 Documents from Old Testament Times. Edited by D. W. Thomas, London, 1958
DPAC                Dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiane. Edited by A. di Berardino. 3 vols. Casale Monferrato, 1983–1988
DPL                   Dictionary of Paul and His Letters. Edited by G. F. Hawthorne and R. P. Martin. Downers Grove, 1993
DRev                  Downside Review
DrewG               Drew Gateway
DSD                   Dead Sea Discoveries
DSS                    Dead Sea Scrolls
DTC                   Dictionnaire de théologie catholique. Edited by A. Vacant et al. 15 vols. Paris, 1903–1950
DTT                    Dansk teologisk tidsskrift
Duchesne          Duchesne, L., ed. Le Liber pontificalis. 2 vols. Paris, 1886, 1892. Reprinted with 3d vol. by C. Vogel. Paris, 1955–1957          
DunRev             Dunwoodie Review
e.g.                     exempli gratia (Lat.) = for example.
EA                      El-Amarna tablets. According to the edition of J. A. Knudtzon. Die el-Amarna-Tafeln. Leipzig, 1908–1915. Reprint, Aalen, 1964. Continued in A. F. Rainey, El-Amarna Tablets, 359–379. 2nd revised ed. Kevelaer, 1978
EAEHL              Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Edited by M. Avi-Yonah. 4 vols. Jerusalem, 1975
EB                      Echter Bibel
EB                      Early Bronze
EBA                   Early Bronze Age
EBC                   The Expositor’s Bible Commentary
EBD                   Easton’s Bible Dictionary
EBib                  Etudes bibliques
EC                      The Encyclopedia of Christianity
ECM                  Electronic Christian Media
ECR                   Eastern Churches Review
ECT                   Egyptian Coffin Texts. Edited by A. de Buck and A. H. Gardiner. Chicago, 1935–1947
ed(s).                  editor(s), edited by
ed.                       edition.
EDB                   Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (eds. Freedman, Myers, and Beck, 2000)
EDEJ                 The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism (eds. Collins and Harlow, 2010)
EdF                    Erträge der Forschung
EDNT                Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament. Edited by H. Balz, G. Schneider. ET. Grand Rapids, 1990–1993
EDT                   Evangelical Dictionary of Theology (ed. Elwell, 2001)
EEA                   L’epigrafia ebraica antica. S. Moscati. Rome, 1951
EEC                   Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. Edited by E. Ferguson. 2nd ed. New York, 1990
EECh                 Encyclopedia of the Early Church. Edited by A. di Berardino. Translated by A. Walford. New York, 1992
EfMex                Efemerides mexicana
EFN                   Estudios de filología neotestamentaria. Cordova, Spain, 1988–
EgT                    Eglise et théologie
EHAT                Exegetisches Handbuch zum Alten Testament
EJ                       Encyclopedia Judaica (eds. Berenbaum and Skolnik, 2nd ed. 22 vols. 2006)
EKKNT             Evangelisch-katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament
EKL                   Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon. Edited by Erwin Fahlbusch et al. 4 vols. 3d ed. Göttingen, 1985–1996
Elenchus           Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus of Biblica, Rome, 1985–
ELKZ                Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchenzeitung
EMC                  Echos dumonde classique/Classical Views
Enc                    Encounter
EnchBib            Enchiridion biblicum
EncJud              Encyclopaedia Judaica. 16 vols. Jerusalem, 1972
EPap                 Etudes de papyrologie
Epiph                Epiphany
EPRO                Etudes préliminaires auxreligions orientales dans l’empire romain
ER                      The Encyclopedia of Religion. Edited by M. Eliade. 16 vols. New York, 1987
ERAS                 Epithètes royales akkadiennes et sumériennes. M.-J. Seux. Paris, 1967
ERE                   Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Edited by J. Hastings. 13 vols. New York, 1908–1927. Reprint, 7 vols., 1951
ErIsr                  Eretz-Israel
ErJb                   Eranos-Jahrbuch
ESRSCNT        Eerdman’s Socio-Rhetorical Series of Commentaries on the New Testament
EstAg                 Estudio Agustiniano
EstBib               Estudios bíblicos
EstEcl                Estudios eclesiásticos
EstMin              Estudios mindonienses
EstTeo               Estudios teológicos
ESV                   English Standard Version
et al.                  et alii, and others
etc.                     et cetera, and the rest
ETL                    Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses
ETR                    Etudes théologiques et religieuses
ETS                    Erfurter theologische Studien
EuroJTh            European Journal of Theology
Even-Shoshan      Even-Shoshan, A., ed. A New Concordance of the Bible. Jerusalem, 1977, 19834
EvJ                     Evangelical Journal
EvK                   Evangelische Kommentare
EvQ                    Evangelical Quarterly
EvT                    Evangelische Theologie
ExAud               Ex auditu
Exeg                  Exegetica [Japanese]
ExpTim              Expository Times
f.                         following (verse or page).
FAT                   Forschungen zum Alten Testament
FB                      Forschung zur Bibel
FBBS                 Facet Books, Biblical Series
FBE                   Forum for Bibelsk Eksegese
FC                      Fathers of the Church. Washington, D.C., 1947–
FCB                   Feminist Companion to the Bible
FF                      Forschungen und Fortschritte
FF                       Foundations and Facets
ff.                        following (verses or pages).
FFB                   Fauna and Flora of the Bible, United Bible Society Handbook Series, 2nd ed. (1980)
FGH                   Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. Edited by F. Jacoby. Leiden, 1954–1964
FHG                   Fragmenta historicorum graecorum. Paris, 1841–1870
FiE                     Forschungen in Ephesos
fl.                        flourished
FMSt                 Frühmittelalterliche Studien
FO                      Folia orientalia
FoiVie               Foi et vie
ForFasc            Forum Fascicles
Foster, Muses   Foster, Benjamin R. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. 2 vols. Bethesda, 1993
FOTL                 Forms of the Old Testament Literature
Fr.                       French
Fran                  Franciscanum
FRLANT           Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments
FT                      Folia theologica
Fund                  Fundamentum
FZPhTh             Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie
GAG                   Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik. W. von Soden. 2nd ed. Rome, 1969
GAT                   Grundrisse zum Alten Testament
GBS                   Guides to Biblical Scholarship
GBSGT              A Guide to Biblical Sites in Greece and Turkey (Fant and Reddish, 2003)
GCDS                Graphic Concordance to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Edited by J. H. Charlesworth et al. Tübingen, 1991
GCS                   Die griechische christliche Schriftsteller der ersten [drei] Jahrhunderte
GELNT              Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Joseph Henry Thayer)
Ger.                    German
Ges., Thes         Gesenius, W. Thesaurus philologicus criticus linguae hebraeae et chaldaeae Veteris Testamenti. Vols. 1–3. Leipzig, 1829–1842
GKC                  Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar. Edited by E. Kautzsch. Translated by A. E. Cowley. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1910
GM                     Göttinger Miszellen
Gn                      Gnomon
GNB                  Good News Bible
GNS                   Good News Studies
GNT                   Good News Translation
GNT                   Grundrisse zum Neuen Testament
GOTR                Greek Orthodox Theological Review
GP                      Géographie de la Palestine. F. M. Abel. 2 vols. Paris, 1933
GR                      Greece and Rome
Gr.                      Greek
GRBS                 Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies
Greg                  Gregorianum
GS                      Gesammelte Studien
GTA                   Göttinger theologischer Arbeiten
GTCEC             The Greek Testament: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary 
GTJ                    Grace Theological Journal
GTT                    Gereformeerd theologisch tijdschrift
GTTOT              The Geographical and Topographical Texts of the Old Testament. Edited by J. J. Simons. Studia Francisci Scholten memoriae dicata 2. Leiden, 1959
GVG                   Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen. C. Brockelmann, 2 vols. Berlin, 1908–1913. Reprint, Hildesheim, 1961
HAL                   Koehler, L., W. Baumgartner, and J. J. Stamm. Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament. Fascicles 1–5, 1967–1995 (KBL3). ET: HALOT
HALOT              Koehler, L., W. Baumgartner, and J. J. Stamm, The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Translated and edited under the supervision of M. E. J. Richardson. 4 vols. Leiden, 1994–1999
HAR                   Hebrew Annual Review
Harris                Harris, Z. S. A Grammar of the Phoenician Language. AOS 8. New Haven, 1936. Reprint, 1990
HAT                  Handbuch zum Alten Testament
HBC                   Harper’s Bible Commentary. Edited by J. L. Mays et al. San Francisco, 1988.
HBD                   HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. Edited by P. J. Achtemeier et al. 2nd ed. San Francisco, 1996
HBT                   Horizons in Biblical Theology
HDR                  Harvard Dissertations in Religion
Heb.                   Hebrew
Hell                    Hellenica: Recueil d’épigraphie, de numismatique et d’antiquités grecques
Hen                    Henoch
Herm                  Hermanthena
Hesperia           Hesperia: Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
HeyJ                  Heythrop Journal
HibJ                   Hibbert Journal
HJP                    The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C.–A.D. 135), by G. Vermès and F. Millar, 4 vols. (1973–87)
HKAT               Handkommentar zum Alten Testament
HKL                   Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur. R. Borger. 3 vols. Berlin, 1967–1975
HKNT               Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament
HNT                  Handbuch zum Neuen Testament
HNTC               Harper’s New Testament Commentaries
HO                     Handbuch der Orientalistik
Hok                    Hokhma
HolBD               Holman Bible Dictionary. Edited by T. C. Butler. Nashville, 2003
Hor                    Horizons
HOTC               Holman Old Testament Commentary
HR                      History of Religions
HRCS                Hatch, E. and H. A. Redpath. Concordance to the Septuagint and Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament. 2 vols. Oxford, 1897. Suppl., 1906. Reprint, 3 vols. in 2, Grand Rapids, 1983
HS                      Hebrew Studies
HSAT                 Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments. Edited by E. Kautzsch and A. Bertholet. 4th ed. Tübingen, 1922–1923
HSCP                Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
HSem                Horae semiticae. 9 vols. London, 1908–1912
HSM                  Harvard Semitic Monographs
HSS                   Harvard Semitic Studies
HT                      History Today
HTB                  Histoire du texte biblique. Lausanne, 1996–
HTh                    Ho Theológos
HTKNT             Herders theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament
HTR                   Harvard Theological Review
HTS                   Harvard Theological Studies
HUCA                Hebrew Union College Annual
HUCM              Monographs of the Hebrew Union College
HumTeo           Biblioteca humanística e teológica
HUT                  Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie
HvTSt                Hervormde teologiese studies
i.e.                      id est (Lat). = that is
IAA                    Israel Antiquities Authority
IAR                    Iraq Archaeological Reports
IATG2                Schwertner, Siegfried M. Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebeite. 2nd ed. Berlin, 1992
IB                       Interpreter’s Bible. Edited by G. A. Buttrick et al. 12 vols. New York, 1951–1957
IBC                    Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching.
IBHS                  An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. B. K. Waltke and M. O’Connor. Winona Lake, Indiana, 1990
ibid.                   ibidem (Lat.) = in the same place.
IBS                     Irish Biblical Studies
ICC                     International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament
ICUR                 Inscriptiones christianae urbis Romae. Edited by J. B. de Rossi. Rome, 1857–1888
IDB                    The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by G. A. Buttrick. 4 vols. Nashville, 1984
IDBSup             Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: Supplementary Volume. Edited by K. Crim. Nashville, 1976
idem                  The same author or work
IDS                     In die Skriflig
IEJ                     Israel Exploration Journal
IESS                   International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Edited by D. L. Sills. New York, 1968–
IG                       Inscriptiones graecae. Editio minor. Berlin, 1924–
IGRom              Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinentes. 4 vols. (eds. G. Lafaye, and R. Cagnat)
IJT                      Indian Journal of Theology
IKaZ                  Internationale katholische Zeitschrift
IKZ                     Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift
ILCV                  Inscriptiones latinae christianae veteres. Edited by E. Diehl. 2nd ed. Berlin, 1961
Imm                    Immanuel
in loc.                 in loco (Lat.) = in the place or on the passage cited.
Int                      Interpretation
IOMS                International Organization for Masoretic Studies
IOS                     Israel Oriental Society
IPN                    Die israelitischen Personennamen. M. Noth. BWANT 3/10. Stuttgart, 1928. Reprint, Hildesheim, 1980
Iran                    Iran
Iraq                    Iraq
Irén                    Irénikon
IRT                    Issues in Religion and Theology
ISBE1                 The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Edited by James Orr, John L. Nuelsen, Edgar Y. Mullins, Morris O. Evans, Melvin Grove Kyle, 1939
ISBE2                 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Edited by G. W. Bromiley. 4 vols. Grand Rapids, 1979–1988
Isd                      Isidorianum
Istina                 Istina
IstMitt               Istanbuler Mitteilungen
Itala                   Itala: Das Neue Testament in altlateinischer Überlieferung. 4 vols. Berlin, 1938–1963
ITC                    International Theological Commentary
Iter                     Iter
Itin                     (Italy) Itinerarium (Italy)
Itin                     (Portugal) Itinerarium (Portugal)
ITP                     Hayim Tadmor, The Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria. Jerusalem, 1994
ITQ                     Irish Theological Quarterly
IVP                     Inter-Varsity Press
IZBG                  Internationale Zeitschriftenschaufür Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete
J.W.                    Josephus, Bellum judaicum, Jewish War, LCL 203, 210, 487
JA                       Journal asiatique
JAAL                  Journal of Afroasiatic Languages
JAAR                 Journal of the American Academy of Religion
JAC                    Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum
JACiv                Journal of Ancient Civilizations
Jahnow             Jahnow, J. Das hebräische Leichenlied im Rahmen der Völkerdichtung. Giessen, 1923
JAL                    Jewish Apocryphal Literature Series
JANES               Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University
JAOS                 Journal of the American Oriental Society
JARCE              Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Boston
JArchS              Journal of Archaeological Science
JAS                    Journal of Asian Studies
Jastrow              Jastrow, M. A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature. 2nd ed. New York, 1903
JB                       Jerusalem Bible
JBC                    Jerome Biblical Commentary. Edited by R. E. Brown et al. Englewood Cliffs, 1968
JBL                    Journal of Biblical Literature
JBQ                    Jewish Bible Quarterly
JBR                    Journal of Bible and Religion
JCS                    Journal of Cuneiform Studies
JdI                      Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts
JDS                    Jewish Desert Studies
JDS                    Judean Desert Studies
JDT                    Jahrbuch für deutsche Theologie
JE                       The Jewish Encyclopedia. Edited by I. Singer. 12 vols. New York, 1925
JEA                    The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
JECS                 Journal of Early Christian Studies
Jeev                   Jeevadhara
JEH                    Journal of Ecclesiastical History
JEOL                 Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Gezelschap (Genootschap) Ex oriente lux
JES                    Journal of Ecumenical Studies
JESHO              Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
JET                    Jahrbuch für Evangelische Theologie
JETS                  Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
JFSR                  Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
JHI                     Journal of the History of Ideas
JHNES              Johns Hopkins Near Eastern Studies
JHS                    Journal of Hellenic Studies
JHW                   Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary (Rousseau and Arav, 1995)
Jian                   Dao Jian Dao
JJA                     Journal of Jewish Art
JJP                     Journal of Juristic Papyrology
JJS                     Journal of Jewish Studies
JJT                     Josephinum Journal of Theology
JLA                    Jewish Law Annual
JLCRS               Jordan Lectures in Comparative Religion Series
JMedHist          Journal of Medieval History
JMES                 Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
JMS                   Journal of Mithraic Studies
JNES                 Journal of Near Eastern Studies
JNSL                  Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages
JÖAI                  Jahreshefte des Österreichischen archäologischen Instituts
JOTT                  Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics
Joüon                Joüon, P. A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Translated and revised by T. Muraoka. 2 vols. Subsidia biblica 14/1–2. Rome, 1991
JPES                  Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society
JPJ                     Journal of Progressive Judaism
JPOS                 Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society
JPT                    Journal of Psychology and Theology
JQR                    The Jewish Quarterly Review
JQRMS             Jewish Quarterly Review Monograph Series
JR                       Journal of Religion
JRAS                  Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
JRE                    Journal of Religious Ethics
JRelS                 Journal of Religious Studies
JRH                    Journal of Religious History
JRitSt                Journal of Ritual Studies
JRS                    Journal of Roman Studies
JRT                    Journal of Religious Thought
JSem                  Journal of Semitics
JSHJ                  Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus
JSHRZ               Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit Kairós Kairós KI Kanaanäische Inschriften (Moabitisch, Althebraisch, Phonizisch, Punisch). Edited by M. Lidzbarski. Giessen, 1907
JSJ                     Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Periods
JSJSup              Journal for the Study of Judaism, Supplements to the
JSNT                  Journal for the Study of the New Testament
JSNTSup           Journal for the Study of the New Testament: Supplement Series
JSOR                 Journal of the Society of Oriental Research
JSOT                  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
JSOTSup           Journal for the Study of the Old Testament: Supplement Series
JSP                    Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
JSPSup              Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha: Supplement Series
JSQ                    Jewish Studies Quarterly
JSS                     Journal of Semitic Studies
JSSEA               Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities
JSSR                  Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
JTC                    Journal for Theology and the Church
JTS                     Journal of Theological Studies
JTSA                  Journal of Theology for Southern Africa
Jud                     Judaica
Judaica             Judaica: Beiträge zum Verständnis des jüdischen Schicksals in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Judaism            Judaism
JWSTP              Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Qumran Sectarian Writings, Philo, Josephus. Edited by M. E. Stone. CRINT 2.2. Assen/Philadelphia, 1984
K&D                  Keil, C. F., and F. Delitzsch, Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Translated by J. Martin et al. 25 vols. Edinburgh, 1857–1878. Reprint, 10 vols., Peabody, Mass., 1996
KAH                   1 Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts. L. Messerschmidt. Vol. 1. WVDOG 16. Leipzig, 1911
KAH                   2 Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts. O. Schroeder. Vol. 2. WVDOG 37. Leipzig, 1922
KAI                    Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften. H. Donner and W. Röllig. 2nd ed. Wiesbaden, 1966–1969
KAR                   Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts. Edited by E. Ebeling. Leipzig, 1919–1923
KAT                   Kommentar zum Alten Testament
KB                      Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Edited by E. Schrader. 6 vols. Berlin, 1889–1915
KBANT             Kommentare und Beiträge zum Alten und Neuen Testament
KBL                   Koehler, L., and W. Baumgartner, Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros. 2nd ed. Leiden, 1958
KBo                   Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi. WVDOG 30, 36, 68–70, 72–73, 77–80, 82–86, 89–90. Leipzig, 1916–
KD                     Kerygma und Dogma
KEK                   Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament (Meyer-Kommentar)
Kerux                Kerux
Kh.                     Khirbet
KHC                  Kurzer Hand-Commentar zum Alten Testament
KJV                    King James Version
KK                     KatorikkuKenkyu
KlPauly            Der kleine Pauly
KlT                     Kleine Texte
km                     kilometer
KMT                  A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt
KS                      Kirjath-Sepher
KTU                   Die keilalphabetischen Texte aus Ugarit. Edited by M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, and J. Sanmartín. AOAT 24/1. Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1976. 2nd enlarged ed. of KTU: The Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts from Ugarit, Ras Ibn Hani, and Other Places. Edited by M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, and J. Sanmartín. Münster, 1995 (= CTU).
KUB                   Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi
Kuhn                 Kuhn, K. G. Konkordanz zuden Qumrantexten. Göttingen, 1960
KVRG               Kölner Veroffentlichungen zur Religionsgeschichte
L&N                  Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains. Edited by J. P. Louw and E. A. Nida. 2nd ed. New York, 1989
l.c.                      loco citato (Lat.) = in the place cited.
                     Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Edited by W. Helck, E. Otto, and W. Westendorf. Wiesbaden, 1972
LAE                    The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, Stelae, Autobiographies, and Poetry (ed. Simpson, 2003)
Lane                  Lane, E. W. An Arabic-English Lexicon. 8 vols. London. Reprint, 1968
LAPO                Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient
LASBF               Liber annuus Studii biblici franciscani
Lat.                    Latin
Laur                   Laurentianum
LB                      Linguistica Biblica
LB                      Late Bronze
LBA                   Late Bronze Age
LCC                   Library of Christian Classics. Philadelphia, 1953–
LCL                   Loeb Classical Library
LD                      Lectio divina
LEC                   Library of Early Christianity
Leš                     Lešonénu
Levant               Levant
LexSyr               Lexicon syriacum. C. Brockelmann. 2nd ed. Halle, 1928
LHBOTS          The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
lib.                     liber (Lat.) = book.
LIMC                 Lexicon iconographicum mythologiae classicae. Edited by H. C. Ackerman and J.-R. Gisler. 8 vols. Zurich, 1981–1997
List                     Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture
lit.                      literal, or literally.
LJPSTT             Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud
ll.cc.                   locis citatis (Lat.) = at the places cited.
LQ                      Lutheran Quarterly
LR                      Lutherische Rundschau
LS                       Louvain Studies
LSCALS            The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting (Hemer, 2001)
LSCU                 The Letters to Seven Churches: Updated (Ramsay, Edited by Wilson, 1994)
LSJ                     Liddell, H. G., R. Scott, H. S. Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon. 9th ed. with revised supplement. Oxford, 1996
LSS                    Leipziger semitische Studien
LTK                    Lexicon für Theologie und Kirche
LTP                    Laval théologique et philosophique
LTQ                    Lexington Theological Quarterly
LUÅ                   Lunds universitets årsskrift
Lum                    Lumen
LumVie              Lumière et vie
LW                     Living Word
LXX                    Septuagint Version of the Bible (the Greek OT)
m                        meter
m.                       The Mishnah (ed. Eugene J. Lipman)
m. Sanh.            Mishnah tractate Sanhedrin
MAAR              Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
Maarav             Maarav
MAMA               Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua. Manchester and London, 1928–1993
Mandl               Mandelkern, S. Veteris Testamenti concordantiae hebraicae atque chaldaicae, etc. Reprint, 1925. 2nd ed. Jerusalem, 1967          
MAOG              Mitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft
marg.                 margin or marginal.
MARI                 Mari: Annales de recherches interdisciplinaires
MarSt                Marian Studies
MASCA             Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology
MB                    Middle Bronze
MBA                 Middle Bronze Age
MBPF                Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte
MBS                  Message of Biblical Spirituality
McCQ                McCormick Quarterly
MCom               Miscelánea Comillas
MCuS                Manchester Cuneiform Studies
MDAI                 Mitteilungen des Deutschen archäologischen Instituts
MDAIK              Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts
MDB                  Mercer Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by W. E. Mills. Macon, 1990
MDOG              Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft
MEAH               Miscelánea de estudios arabes y hebraicos
Med                   Medellin
MEFR                Mélanges d’archéologie et d’histoire de l’école français de Rome
MelT                  Melita theologica
MGWJ               Monatschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums MdB Le Monde de la Bible
MH                     Museum helveticum
Mid-Stream      Mid-Stream
Mils                   Milltown Studies
MIOF                 Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung
MM                   Moulton, J. H., and G. Milligan. The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament. London, 1930. Reprint, Peabody, Mass., 1997          
MMAB               The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
MNTC               The Moffatt New Testament Commentary
MPAIBL           Mémoires présentés à l’Academie des inscriptions et belleslettres
MS                     Manuscript.
MS                     Mediaeval Studies
MS Or.               Codex Orientales
MScRel             Mélanges de science religieuse
MSJ                   The Master’s Seminary Journal
MSL                   Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon. Benno Landsberger, ed.
MSS                   Manuscripts.
MSU                  Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens
MT                     Masoretic Text
MTSR                Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
MTZ                   Münchener theologische Zeitschrift
Mursurillo         Mursurillo, H., ed. and trans. The Acts of the Christian Martyrs. Oxford, 1972
Mus                    Muséon: Revue d’études orientales
MUSJ                Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph
MVAG              Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-ägyptischen Gesellschaft. Vols. 1–44. 1896–1939
n.p.                     no page; proper name; no place; no publisher
N.T.                    New Testament
NABU                Nouvelles assyriologiques breves et utilitaires
NAC                  New American Commentary
NASB                New American Standard Bible
NAWG               Nachrichten (von) der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen
NBD                   New Bible Dictionary (Douglas, ed. 1962)
NBD2                 New Bible Dictionary. Edited by J. D. Douglas and N. Hillyer. 2nd ed. Downers Grove, 1982
NBf                    New Blackfrairs
NCB                  New Century Bible Commentary
NCE                   New Catholic Encyclopedia. Edited by W. J. McDonald et al. 15 vols. New York, 1967
NDSB                The New Daily Study Bible
NDT                   New Dictionary of Theology (eds. Wright, and Ferguson, 1988)
NE                      Handbuch der nordsemitischen Epigraphik. Edited by M. Lidzbarski. Weimar, 1898. Reprint, Hildesheim, 1962
NEA                   Near Eastern Archaeology
NEAEHL           The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Edited by E. Stern, Levinson-Gilboa, and Aviram. 4 vols. Jerusalem, 1993
NEASB              Near Eastern Archaeology Society Bulletin
NEchtB             Neue Echter Bibel
NedTT               Nederlands theologisch tijdschrift
Neh                    Nehemiah (O.T).
Nem                   Nemalah
Neot                   Neotestamentica
NET                   New English Translation
NETR                 Near East School of Theology Theological Review
NewDocs          New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity. Edited by G. H. R. Horsley and S. Llewelyn. North Ryde, N.S.W., 1981–
NFT                   New Frontiers in Theology
NG                     National Geographic
NGTT                 Nederduitse gereformeerde teologiese tydskrif
NHC                  Nag Hammadi Codices
NHL                   Nag Hammadi Library in English. Edited by J. M. Robinson. 4th rev. ed. Leiden, 1996
NHS                   Nag Hammadi Studies
NIB                    The New Interpreter’s Bible
NIBCNT           New International Biblical Commentary on the New Testament
NIBCOT           New International Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament
NICNT              New International Commentary on the New Testament
NICOT              New International Commentary on the Old Testament
NIDB                 New International Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by J. D. Douglas and M. C. Tenney. Grand Rapids, 1987
NIDBA               New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Edited by E. M. Blaiklock and R. K. Harrison. Grand Rapids, 1983
NIDNTT            New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology. Edited by C. Brown. 4 vols. Grand Rapids, 1975–1986
NIDOTTE          New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. Edited by W. A. VanGemeren. 5 vols. Grand Rapids, 1997
NIGTC              New International Greek Testament Commentary
NIV                    New International Version
NIVAC              New International Version Application Commentary
NJahrb              Neue Jahrbücher für das klassiche Altertum (1898–1925); Neue Jahrbücher für Wissenschaft und Jugendbildung (1925–1936)
NJB                    New Jerusalem Bible
NJBC                 The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Edited by R. E. Brown et al. Englewood Cliffs, 1990
NKJV                 New King James Version
NKZ                   Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift
NLT                   New Living Translation
Notes                 Notes on Translation
NovT                  Novum Testamentum
NovTSup          Novum Testamentum Supplements
NovTSup          Supplements to Novum Testamentum
NPNF1               Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 1 (eds. Roberts et al. )
NPNF2               Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 2 (eds. Roberts et al. 14 vols. 1994)
NRSV                New Revised Standard Version
NRTh                 La nouvelle revue théologique
NSERK              The New Schaff-herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (eds. Johann Jakob Herzog and Philip Schaff)
NT                      New Testament
NTA                   New Testament Abstracts
NTAbh              Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen
NTC                   New Testament Commentary
NTCWAM         New Testament Cities in Western Asia Minor (Yamauchi, E. M. 2003)
NTD                   Das Neue Testament Deutsch
NTF                   Neutestamentliche Forschungen
NTG                   New Testament Guides
NTGF                New Testament in the Greek Fathers
NTL                   New Testament Library
NTOA                Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus
NTS                    New Testament Studies
NTT                    Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift
NTTS                 New Testament Tools and Studies
NumC                Numismatic Chronicle
Numen               Numen: International Review for the History of Religions
NuMu                Nuevo mundo
NV                      Nova et vetera
O.T.                    OT
OBO                  Orbis biblicus et orientalis
ÖBS                   Österreichische biblische Studien
OBT                   Overtures to Biblical Theology
OCD                  Oxford Classical Dictionary. Edited by S. Hornblower and A. Spawforth. 3rd ed. Oxford, 2003
OCP                   Orientalia christiana periodica
OCT                   Oxford Classical Texts/Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca oxoniensis
OCuT                Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts
ODCC               The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1983
OEANE             The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. 5 vols. Edited by E. M. Meyers. New York, 1997
OECT                Oxford Early Christian Texts. Edited by H. Chadwick. Oxford, 1970–
OGIS                  Orientis graeci inscriptiones selectae. Edited by W. Dittenberger. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1903–1905
OiC                    One in Christ
OIC                    Oriental Institute Communications
OIM                   Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago
OIP                    Oriental Institute Publications
OJA                    Oxford Journal of Archeology
OLA                   Orientalia lovaniensia analecta
OLP                   Orientalia lovaniensia periodica
OLZ                    Orientalistische Literaturzeitung
OMGG               Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics
Or                       Orientalia (NS)
OrAnt                Oriens antiquus
OrChr                Oriens christianus
OrChrAn           Orientalia christiana analecta
Orita                  Orita
OrSyr                 L’orient syrien
OT                      Old Testament
OTA                   Old Testament Abstracts
OTE                   Old Testament Essays
OTG                   Old Testament Guides
ÖTK                   Ökumenischer Taschenbuch-Kommentar
OTL                   Old Testament Library
OTP                   Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Edited by J. H. Charlesworth. 2 vols. New York, 1983
OTS                   Old Testament Studies
OtSt                   Oudtestamentische Studiën
p. pp. p.             and pages, respectively.
P.Oxy.               Oxyrhynchus Papyri
PAAJR               Proceedings of the American Academy of Jewish Research
Pacifica            Pacifica
PapyCast          Papyrologica Castroctaviana, Studia et textus. Barcelona, 1967–
Parab                Parabola
ParOr                Parole de l’orient
passim               here and there
PaVi                  Parole di vita
Payne Smith    Thesaurus syriacus. Edited by R. Payne Smith. Oxford, 1879–1901
PC                      The Preacher’s Commentary
PD                      Public Domain
PDM                  Papyri demoticae magicae. Demotic texts in PGM corpus as collated in H. D. Betz, ed. The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, including the Demotic Spells. Chicago, 1996
PECS                 Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites. Edited by Stillwell, Richard, William L. MacDonald, and Marian Holland McAllister, eds. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976
PEF                    Palestine Exploration Fund
PEFA                 Palestine Exploration Fund Annual
PEFQS               Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement
PEQ                   Palestine Exploration Quarterly
Per                     Perspectives
Pers.                   Persian
PerTeol             Perspectiva teológica
PG                      Patrologia graeca [= Patrologiae cursus completus: Series graeca]. Edited by J.-P. Migne. 162 vols. Paris, 1857–1886
PGL                   Patristic Greek Lexicon. Edited by G. W. H. Lampe. Oxford, 1968
PGM                  Papyri graecae magicae: Die griechischen Zauberpapyri. Edited by K. Preisendanz. Berlin, 1928
Phil                    Philologus
Phon                  Phonetica
PIASH               Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
PIBA                 Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association
PJ                       Palästina-Jahrbuch
PL                      Patrologia latina [= Patrologiae cursus completus: Series latina]. Edited by J.-P. Migne. 217 vols. Paris, 1844–1864
pls.                     plates
Pneuma             Pneuma: Journal for the Society of Pentecostal Studies
PNTC                Pelican New Testament Commentaries
PO                      Patrologia orientalis
POTT                 Peoples of Old Testament Times (ed. Wiseman, 1973)
POut                  De Prediking van het Oude Testament
Presb                 Presbyterion
ProEccl             Pro ecclesia
Proof                 Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History
Protest              Protestantesimo
Proy                   Proyección
PRSt                  Perspectives in Religious Studies
PRU                   Le palais royal d’Ugarit
PS                       Patrologia syriaca. Rev. ed. I. Ortiz de Urbina. Rome, 1965
PSB                    Princeton Seminary Bulletin
PSBA                 Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology
PSTJ                  Perkins (School of Theology) Journal
PTMS                Pittsburgh Theological Monograph Series
PTR                    Princeton Theological Review
PTS                    Patristische Texte und Studien
PVTG                Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece
PW                     Pauly, A. F. Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. New edition G. Wissowa. 49 vols. Munich, 1980
PWCJS              Proceedings of the … World Congress of Jewish Studies
PWSup              Supplement to PW
PzB                    Protokolle zur Bibel
q.v.                     Latin “which see”
Qad                    Qadmoniot
QC                     Qumran Chronicle
QD                     Quaestiones disputatae
QDAP                Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine
QR                      Quarterly Review
Quasten            Quasten, J. Patrology. 4 vols. Westminster, 1953–1986
R&T                   Religion and Theology
R.                       Rabbi (before a Jewish name).
r.                         ruled
RA                      Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale
Rab.                   Rabbah, rabbinic writing
rabb.                  rabbinic
RAC                   Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum. 10 vols. Edited by T. Kluser et al. Stuttgart, 1950–78
RANE                Records of the Ancient Near East
RÄR                   Reallexikon der ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte. H. Bonnet. Berlin, 1952
RAr                    Revue archéologique
RawlCu             The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia. Edited by H. C. Rawlinson. London, 1891
RB                      Revue biblique
RBB                   Revista biblica brasileira
RBén                  Revue bénédictine
RBL                    Ruch biblijny i liturgiczny
RBPH                Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire
RCB                   Revista de cultura bíblica
RCT                   Revista catalana de teología
RdÉ                    Revue d’égyptologie
RdT                    Rassegna di teologia
RE                      Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
RESupp             Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche Supplement
REA                   Revue des études anciennes
REAug               Revue des études augustiniennes
REB                   Revista eclesiástica brasileira
REC                   Reformed Expository Commentary
RechBib            Recherches bibliques
RechPap           Recherches de papyrologie
RefLitM             Reformed Liturgy and Music
RefR                   Reformed Review
REg                    Revue d’égyptologie
REG                   Revue des études grecques
REJ                    Revue des études juives
RelArts              Religion and the Arts
RelEd                Religious Education
RelS                   Religious Studies
RelSoc               Religion and Society
RelSRev            Religious Studies Review
RelStTh             Religious Studies and Theology
RES                    Répertoire d’épigraphie sémitique
RES                    Revue des études sémitiques
ResQ                  Restoration Quarterly
RET                    Revista española de teología
RevExp              Review and Expositor
RevistB              Revista bíblica
RevPhil             Revue de philologie
RevQ                  Revue de Qumran
RevScRel          Revue des sciences religieuses
RGG                   Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Edited by K. Galling. 7 vols. 3d ed. Tübingen, 1957–1965
RHA                   Revue hittite et asianique
RHE                   Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique
RHPR                Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses
RHR                   Revue de l’histoire des religions
RIBLA                Revista de interpretación bíblica latino-americana
RIDA                  Revue internationale des droits de l’antiquité
RIM                   The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project. Toronto
RIMA                The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods
RIMB                The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Babylonian Periods
RIME                The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Early Periods
RIMS                The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Supplements
RISA                  Royal Inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad. Edited by G. A. Barton. New Haven, 1929
RivB                   Rivista biblica italiana
RivSR                Rivista di scienze religiose
RlA                     Reallexikon der Assyriologie. Edited by Erich Ebeling et al. Berlin, 1928–
RLV                    Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte. Edited by M. Ebert. Berlin, 1924–1932
RNT                   Regensburger Neues Testament
RocT                  Roczniki teologiczne
RomBarb          Romanobarbarica
RoMo                Rowohlts Monographien
RQ                      Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte, Vatican City
RR                      Review of Religion
RRef                   La revue réformée
RRelRes            Review of Religious Research
RS                      Ras Shamra
RSB                    Religious Studies Bulletin
RSC                   Rivista di studi classici
RSém                 Revue de sémitique
RSF                    Rivista di studi fenici
RSMS                Religious Studies Monograph Series
RSO                   Revista degli studi orientali
RSO                   Rivista degli studi orientali
RSP                    Ras Shamra Parallels
RSPT                 Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques
RSR                    Recherches de science religieuse
RST                   Regensburger Studien zur Theologie
RStB                  Ricerche storico bibliche
RSV                   Revised Standard Version
RTAM                Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale
RThom               Revue thomiste
RTL                    Revue théologique de Louvain
RTP                    Revue de théologie et de philosophie
RTR                    Reformed Theological Review
RUO                   Revue de l’université d’Ottawa
RV                     Revised Version of the Bible
S.P.C.F              Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge
SA                      Studia anselmiana
SAA                   State Archives of Assyria
SAAB                 State Archives of Assyria Bulletin
SAAS                 State Archives of Assyria Studies
SAC                   Studies in Antiquity and Christianity
SacEr                Sacris erudiri: Jaarboek voor Godsdienstwetenschappen
Salm                  Salmanticensis
SANE                Sources From the Ancient Near East
SANT                Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testaments
SAOC                Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations
Sap                    Sapienza
SAQ                   Sammlung ausgewählter Kirchen- und dogmengeschichtlicher Quellenschriften
SB                      Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten. 5 vols. Edited by F. Preisigke et al. Vols. 1– , 1915–1955
SB                      Sources bibliques
SBA                   Studies in Biblical Archaeology
SBAB                Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände
SBAW               Sitzungsberichte der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
SBB                   Stuttgarter biblische Beiträge
SBFCM             Studium Biblicum Franciscannum Collectio Maior
SBFLA               Studii biblici Franciscani liber annus
SBJT                  Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
SBL                   Society of Biblical Literature
SBLABS           Society of Biblical Literature Archaeology and Biblical Studies
SBLBAC          Society of Biblical Literature The Bible and American Culture
SBLBMI           Society of Biblical Literature The Bible and Its Modern Interpreters
SBLBSNA        Society of Biblical Literature Biblical Scholarship in North America
SBLCP              Society of Biblical Literature Centennial Publications
SBLDS              Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series
SBLEJL            Society of Biblical Literature Early Judaism and Its Literature
SBLMasS         Society of Biblical Literature Masoretic Studies
SBLMS             Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series
SBLNTGF        Society of Biblical Literature The New Testament in the Greek Fathers
SBLRBS           Society of Biblical Literature Resources for Biblical Study
SBLSBS            Society of Biblical Literature Sources for Biblical Study
SBLSCS            Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies
SBLSP               Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers
SBLSymS         Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series
SBLTT              Society of Biblical Literature Texts and Translations
SBLWAW        Society of Biblical Literature Writings from the Ancient World
SBM                  Stuttgarter biblische Monographien
SBS                    Stuttgarter Bibelstudien
SBT                   Studies in Biblical Theology 2nd Series
SC                      Sources chrétiennes. Paris: Cerf, 1943–
ScC                    La scuola cattolica
ScEccl               Sciences ecclésiastiques
ScEs                   Science et esprit
SCH                   Studies in Church History
SCHNT             Studia ad corpus hellenisticum Novi Testamenti
Schol                 Scholastik
Scr                     Scripture
SCR                   Studies in Comparative Religion
ScrB                   Scripture Bulletin
ScrC                  Scripture in Church
ScrHier              Scripta hierosolymitana
ScrTh                 Scripta theologica
ScrVict              Scriptorium victoriense
SD                      Studies and Documents
SDAW               Sitzungen der deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
SE                      Studia evangelica I, II, III (= TU 73 [1959], 87 [1964], 88 [1964]. etc.)
SEÅ                    Svensk exegetisk årsbok
SEAug               Studia ephemeridis Augustinianum
SecCent            Second Century
Sef                      Sefarad
SEG                   Supplementum epigraphicum graecum (eds. Chaniotis, Corsten, Papazarkadas, and Tybout, 1923-)
SEL                    Studi epigrafici e linguistici
Sem                    Semitica
Semeia              Semeia
SemeiaSt          Semeia Studies
seqq.                  sequentia (Lat.) = following (verses).
SFulg                Scripta fulgentina
SHANE             Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East
SHAW               Sitzungen der heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
SHJPLIM         Studies in the History of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel Monograph Series
Shofar               Shofar
SHR                   Studies in the History of Religions (supplement to Numen)
SHT                   Studies in Historical Theology
sic                      “so, thus, in this manner” meaning the error was in the original
SIDIC                SIDIC (Journal of the Service internationale de documentation judeo-chrétienne)
SIG                     Sylloge inscriptionum graecarum. Edited by W. Dittenberger. 4 vols. 3rd ed. Leipzig, 1915–1924
SJ                       Studia judaica
SJLA                  Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity
SJOT                  Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
SJT                     Scottish Journal of Theology
SK                      Skrif en kerk
SKKNT             Stuttgarter kleiner Kommentar, Neues Testament
SL                       Sumerisches Lexikon. Edited by A. Deimel. 8 vols. Rome, 1928–1950
SLJT                  St. Luke’s Journal of Theology
SMA                   Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology
SMBen              Série monographique de Benedictina: Section paulinienne
SMR                  seven messages of Revelation
SMRSHLL       Scripta Minora Regiae Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis
SMSR                Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni
SMT                   Studii Montis Regii
SNT                   Studien zum Neuen Testament
SNTA                Studiorum Novi Testamenti Auxilia
SNTSMS           Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series
SNTSU              Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt
SO                      Symbolae osloenses
SÖAW               Sitzungen der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien
Sobornost         Sobornost
SOTSMS           Society for Old Testament Studies Monograph Series
Sound                Soundings
SP                       Sacra pagina
SPap                  Studia papyrologica
SPAW                Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
SPB                    Studia postbiblica
Spec                   Speculum
SPhilo               Studia philonica
sq. or seq.          sequens (Lat.) = following (verse).
SQAW               Schriften und Quellen der alten Welt
SQR                   The Southern Quarterly Review
SR                      Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses
SSEJC               Studies in Early Judaism and Christianity
SSN                    Studia semitica neerlandica
SSS                    Semitic Study Series
ST                       Studia theologica
St                        Studium
StABH              Studies in American Biblical Hermeneutics
StBL                   Studies in Biblical Literature
StC                     Studia catholica
STDJ                  Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah
SThU                 Schweizerische theologische Umschau
SThZ                  Schweizerische theologische Zeitschrift
STJ                     Stulos Theological Journal
STK                   Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift
StOR                  Studies in Oriental Religions
StPat                 Studia patavina
StPatr                Studia patristica
StPB                  Studia post-biblica
Str                      Stromata
Str-B                  Strack, H. L., and P. Billerbeck. Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch. 6 vols. Munich, 1922–1961
STRev                Sewanee Theological Review
STS                    Studia Theologica Scandinavicorum
StSin                  Studia Sinaitica
StTh                   Studia Theologica
StudBib             Studia Biblica
StudMon          Studia monastica
StudNeot          Studia neotestamentica
StudOr               Studia orientalia
StZ                     Stimmen der Zeit
SubBi                Subsidia biblica
Sumer                Sumer: A Journal of Archaeology and History in Iraq
SUNT                Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments
SuStu                 dia theologica varsaviensia
SVF                    Stoicorum veterum fragmenta. H. von Arnim. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1903–1924
SVTP                 Studia in Veteris Testamenti pseudepigraphica
SVTQ                 St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly
SWBA               Social World of Biblical Antiquity
SwJT                  Southwestern Journal of Theology
SWP                   Survey of Western Palestine:
SymBU             Symbolae biblicae upsalienses
Syr.                    Syria or Syriac.
T                         &K Texte & Kontexte
t.                         The Talmudic tractates of the Tosefta
TA                      Tel Aviv
TAPA                 Transactions of the American Philological Association
Tarbiz                Tarbiz
TB                      Theologische Bücherei: Neudrucke und Berichte aus dem 20. Jahrhundert
TBC                   Torch Bible Commentaries
TBei                   Theologische Beiträge
TBl                     Theologische Blätter
TBT                    The Bible Today
TCL                   Textes cunéiformes. (Musée du Louvre, 1910)
TCS                   Texts from Cuneiform Sources
TCW                  Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap
TD                      Theology Digest
TDNT                 Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Edited by G. Kittel and G. Friedrich. Translated by G. W. Bromiley. 10 vols. Grand Rapids, 1964–1985
TDOT                 Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. Edited by G. J. Botterweck and H. Ringgren. Translated by J. T. Willis, G. W. Bromiley, and D. E. Green. 8 vols. Grand Rapids, 1974–
Teol                   Teología
Teubner              Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum teubneriana
TEV                   Today’s English Version
Text                    Textus
TF                      Theologische Forschung
Tg.                      Targum
TGI                     Textbuch zur Geschichte Israels. Edited by K. Galling. 2nd ed. Tübingen, 1968
TGl                     Theologie und Glaube
TGUOS             Transactions of the Glasgow University Oriental Society
THAT                 Theologisches Handwörterbuch zum Alten Testament. Edited by E. Jenni, with assistance from C. Westermann. 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1971–1976
Them                  Themelios
Theo                  Theologika
Theol                 Theologica
ThH                   Théologie historique
THKNT             Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament
ThPQ                 Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift
ThSt                   Theologische Studiën
ThT                    Theologisch tijdschrift
ThTo                  Theology Today
ThViat               Theologia viatorum
ThWAT              Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament. Edited by G. J. Botterweck and H. Ringgren. Stuttgart, 1970–
TI                        Teologia iusi
TimesLitSupp    Times Literary Supplement
TJ                       Trinity Journal
TJT                     Toronto Journal of Theology
TLG                    Thesaurus linguae graecae: Canon of Greek Authors and Works. Edited by L. Berkowitz and K. A. Squitier. 3d ed. Oxford, 1990
TLL                    Thesaurus linguae latinae
TLNT                 Theological Lexicon of the New Testament. C. Spicq. Translated and edited by J. D. Ernest. 3 vols. Peabody, Mass., 1994          
TLOT                 Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament. Edited by E. Jenni, with assistance from C. Westermann. Translated by M. E. Biddle. 3 vols. Peabody, Mass., 1997
TLZ                    Theologische Literaturzeitung
TNIV                 Today’s New International Version
TNTC                Tyndale New Testament Commentaries
TOTC                Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries
TP                      Theologie und Philosophie
TPINTC            TPI New Testament Commentaries
TPQ                   Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift
TQ                      Theologische Quartalschrift
Transeu             Transeuphratène
TRE                    Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Edited by G. Krause and G. Müller. Berlin, 1977–
TRev                  Theologische Revue
TRSR                Testi e ricerche di scienze religiose
Trumah             Trumah
TRu                    Theologische Rundschau
TS                      Texts and Studies
TS                       Theological Studies
TSAJ                  Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum
TSK                    Theologische Studien und Kritiken
TTE                    The Theological Educator
TThSt                Trierer theologische Studien
TTJ                     Trinity Theological Journal
TTKi                  Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke
TToday              Theology Today
TTZ                    Trierer theologische Zeitschrift
TU                      Texte und Untersuchungen
TUAT                 Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Edited by Otto Kaiser. Gütersloh, 1984–
TUGAL             Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur
TUMSR            Trinity University Monograph Series in Religion
TV                      Teología y vida
TVM                  Theologische Verlagsgemeinschaft: Monographien
TvT                     Tijdschrift voor theologie
TWNT                Theologische Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Edited by G. Kittel and G. Friedrich. Stuttgart, 1932–1979
TWOT                Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Edited by R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer Jr. 2 vols. Chicago, 1980
TynBul              Tyndale Bulletin
TZ                       Theologische Zeitschrift
UBL                   Ugaritisch-biblische Literatur
UBS                   United Bible Society
UF                      Ugarit-Forschungen
UHP                   Ugaritic-Hebrew Philology. M. Dahood. 2nd ed. Rome, 1989
UJEnc               The Universal Jewish Encylopedia. Edited by I. Landman. 10 vols. New York, 1939–1943
UNP                   Ugaritic Narrative Poetry. Edited by Simon B. Parker. SBLWAW 9. Atlanta, 1997
UNT                   Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament
UrE                    Ur Excavations
UrET                  Ur Excavations: Texts
USQR                Union Seminary Quarterly Review
UT                      Ugaritic Textbook. C. H. Gordon. AnOr 38. Rome, 1965
UUA                  Uppsala Universitetsa° rskrift
VAB                  Vorderasiatische Bibliothek
VAT                   Vorderasiatische Abteilung Tontafel. Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
VC                      Vigiliae christianae
VCaro               Verbum caro
VD                      Verbum domini
VE                      Vox evangelica
ver. vs.               verse, verses.
VF                      Verkündigung und Forschung
Vg.                     Vulgate
VH                      Vivens homo
Vid                     Vidyajyoti
viz.                     videlicet (Lat.) = namely.
VL                      Vetus Latina: Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel. Edited by E. Beuron, 1949–
vol.                     volume.
VR                      Vox reformata
VS                      Verbum Salutie
VS                      Vox scripturae
VSpir                 Vie spirituelle
VT                      Vetus Testamentum
VTSup               Supplements to Vetus Testamentum
VTSup               Vetus Testamentum Supplements
WÄS                   Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache. A. Erman and H. Grapow. 5 vols. Berlin, 1926–1931. Reprint, 1963
WBC                 Word Biblical Commentary
WC                    Westminster Commentaries
WD                     Wort und Dienst
WDB                  Westminster Dictionary of the Bible
WDBA               Wycliffe Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology (ed. Pfeiffer, 2000)
Wehr                  Wehr, H. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Edited by J. M. Cowan. Ithaca, 1961, 19763
WHAB               Westminster Historical Atlas of the Bible
WHJP                World History of the Jewish People
WHJP                World History of the Jewish People
WKAS                Das Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache. Edited by M. Ullmann. 1957– .
WLSGF             The Word of the Lord Shall Go Forth: Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman, (Meyers and O’Connor, eds., 1983)
WMANT           Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament
WO                     Die Welt des Orients
WTJ                   Westminster Theological Journal
WTM                  Das Wörterbuch über die Talmudim und Midraschim. J. Levy. 2nd ed. 1924
WUANT            Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Alten und Neuen Testament
WUNT               Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament
WUS                  Das Wörterbuch der ugaritischen Sprache. J. Aistleitner. Edited by O. Eissfeldt. 3d ed. Berlin, 1967
WVDOG           Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Orientgesellschaft
WW                    Word and World
WZ                     Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift
WZKM               Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
WZKSO             Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und Ostasiens
YCS                   Yale Classical Studies
YNER                Yale Near Eastern Researches
YOS                   Yale Oriental Series, Texts
YOSR                 Yale Oriental Series, Researches
YOSR                Yale Oriental Series, Researches
ZA                      Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
ZABeih             Zeitschrift für Assyriologie: Beihefte
ZABR                 Zeitschrift für altorientalische und biblische Rechtgeschichte
ZAC                   Journal of Ancient Christianity
ZAC                   Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum
ZAH                   Zeitschrift für Althebräistik
ZÄS                    Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
ZAW                   Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
ZDMG               Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft
ZDMGSup        Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft: Supplementbände
ZDPV                 Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästina-Vereins
ZECNT              Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament.
ZEE                    Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik
ZHT                    Zeitschrift für historische Theologie
ZKG                   Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte
ZKT                    Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie
ZKunstG           Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
ZNW                  Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche
ZPE                    Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
ZPEB                 Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (5 vols. Tenney ed. 1975)
ZPEB2                Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (Revised, Full-Colour ed. 5 vols. Tenney and Silva eds. 2009)
ZRGG                Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
ZS                       Zeitschrift für Semitistik und verwandte Gebiete
ZST                    Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie
ZTK                    Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche
ZWKL                Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und kirchliches Leben
ZWT                   Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie



1 En.             1 Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse)
2 Bar.             2 Baruch (Syriac Apocalypse)
2 En.             2 Enoch (Slavonic Apocalypse)
3 Bar.             3 Baruch (Greek Apocalypse)
3 En.             3 Enoch (Hebrew Apocalypse)
3 Macc.         3 Maccabees
4 Bar.             4 Baruch (Paraleipomena Jeremiou)
4 Ezra            4 Ezra
4 Macc.         4 Maccabees
5 Apoc. Syr. Pss.     Five Apocryphal Syriac Psalms
5 Esdr.             5 Ezra, 4 Esdras 1–2 (Vulgate) = 2 Esdras 1–2 (NRSV)
5 Macc.             5 Maccabees (Arabic)
Ahiqar             Ahiqar
Ant. bib.             Use L.A.B.
Apoc. Ab.         Apocalypse of Abraham
Apoc. Adam     Apocalypse of Adam
Apoc. Dan.        Apocalypse of Daniel
Apoc. El. (C)    Coptic Apocalypse of Elijah
Apoc. El. (H)    Hebrew Apocalypse of Elijah
Apoc. Ezek.         Use Apocr. Ezek.
Apoc. Mos.         Apocalypse of Moses
Apoc. Sedr.         Apocalypse of Sedrach
Apoc. Zeph.         Apocalypse of Zephaniah
Apoc. Zos.         Use Hist. Rech.
Apocr. Ezek.        Apocrypon of Ezekiel
Aris. Ex.             Aristeas the Exegete
Aristob.             Aristobulus
Artap.             Artapanus
As. Mos.         Assumption of Moses
Ascen. Isa.     Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah 6–11
Bib. Ant.         Use L.A.B.
Bk. Noah         Book of Noah
Cav. Tr.             Cave of Treasures
Cl. Mal.         Cleodemus Malchus
Dem.                 Demetrius (the Chronographer)
El. Mod.         Eldad and Modad
Eup.                 Eupolemus
Ezek. Trag.     Ezekiel the Tragedian
Ezra                 Revelation of Ezra
Gk. Apoc.         Ezra Greek Apocalypse of Ezra
Hec. Ab.             Hecataeus of Abdera
Hel. Syn. Pr.     Hellenistic Synagogal Prayers
Hist. Jos.         History of Joseph
Hist. Rech.         History of the Rechabites
Jan. Jam.         Jannes and Jambres
Jos. Asen.         Joseph and Aseneth
Jub.                Jubilees ca. 200–150 BC
L.A.B.             Liber antiquitatum biblicarum (Pseudo-Philo)
L.A.E.             Life of Adam and Eve
Lad. Jac.         Ladder of Jacob
Let. Aris.         Letter of Aristeas
Liv. Pro.         Lives of the Prophets
Lost Tr.         The Lost Tribes
Mart. Ascen. Isa.     Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah
Mart. Isa.         Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah 1–5, Knibb
Odes Sol.         Odes of Solomon
P. J.                 Use 4 Bar.
Ph. E. Poet     Philo the Epic Poet
Pr. Jac.             Prayer of Jacob
Pr. Jos.         Prayer of Joseph
Pr. Man.         Prayer of Manasseh
Pr. Mos.         Prayer of Moses
Ps.-Eup.         Pseudo-Eupolemus
Ps.-Hec.         Pseudo-Hecataeus
Ps.-Orph.         Pseudo-Orpheus
Ps.-Philo         Use L.A.B.
Ps.-Phoc.         Pseudo-Phocylides
Pss. Sol.         Psalms of Solomon
Ques. Ezra     Questions of Ezra
Sib. Or.         Sibylline Oracles
Syr. Men.         Sentences of the Syriac Menander
T. 12 Patr.         Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
T. 3 Patr.         Testaments of the Three Patriarchs
T. Ab.             Testament of Abraham
T. Adam         Testament of Adam
T. Ash.         Testament of Asher
T. Benj.         Testament of Benjamin
T. Dan         Testament of Dan
T. Gad         Testament of Gad
T. Hez.         Testament of Hezekiah (Mart. Ascen. Isa. 3:13–4:22)
T. Isaac         Testament of Isaac
T. Iss.         Testament of Issachar
T. Jac.         Testament of Jacob
T. Job         Testament of Job
T. Jos.         Testament of Joseph
T. Jud.         Testament of Judah
T. Levi         Testament of Levi
T. Mos.         Testament of Moses
T. Naph.     Testament of Naphtali
T. Reu.         Testament of Reuben
T. Sim.         Testament of Simeon
T. Sol.         Testament of Solomon
T. Zeb.         Testament of Zebulun
Theod.         Theodotus, On the Jews
Treat. Shem     Treatise of Shem
Vis. Ezra     Vision of Ezra
Vis. Isa.     Use Ascen. Isa.



1–2 Esd         1–2 Esdras
1–2 Macc     1–2 Maccabees
3–4 Macc     3–4 Maccabees
Add Dan         Additions to Daniel
Add Esth     Additions to Esther
Bar              Baruch
Bel              Bel and the Dragon
Ep Jer          Epistle of Jeremiah
Jdt                 Judith
Pr Azar         Prayer of Azariah
Pr Man         Prayer of Manasseh
Ps 151         Psalm 151
Sg Three     Song of the Three Young Men
Sir             Sirach/Ecclesiasticus
Sus            Susanna
Tob            Tobit
Wis          Wisdom of Solomon



1 Clem.            Clement of Rome, First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
1–2 Clem.         1–2 Clement
Barn.             Epistle of Barnabas
Did.                 Didache
Diogn.             Diognetus
FrgPol.            Fragments on Polycarp
Herm. Mand.     Shepherd of Hermas, Mandate
Herm. Sim.     Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude
Herm. Vis.     Shepherd Hermas, Vision
Ign. Eph.         Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Ephesians
Ign. Magn.     Ignatius of Antioch, To the Magnesians
Ign. Phld.         Ignatius of Antioch, To the Philadelphians
Ign. Pol.         Ignatius of Antioch, To Polycarp
Ign. Rom.         Ignatius of Antioch, To the Romans
Ign. Smyrn.     Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Smyrnaeans
Ign. Trall.     Ignatius of Antioch, To the Trallians
Mart. Pol.     Martyrdom of Polycarp
Pol. Phil.     Polycarp, To the Philippians
Sim.             Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude
Vis.             Shepherd of Hermas, Vision



(Apocr.) Ep. Tit.         Apocryphal Epistle of Titus
(Apocr.) Gos. John     Apocryphal Gospel of John
(Arab.) Gos. Inf.         Arabic Gospel of the Infancy
(Arm.) Gos. Inf.         Armenian Gospel of the Infancy
3 Cor.                     3 Corinthians
Acts Andr.             Acts of Andrew
Acts Andr. Mth.     Acts of Andrew and Matthias
Acts Andr. Paul     Acts of Andrew and Paul
Acts Barn.             Acts of Barnabas
Acts Jas.             Acts of James the Great
Acts John             Acts of John
Acts John Pro.     Acts of John
(by Prochorus)
Acts Paul                Acts of Paul,
Hone, ed. The Apocryphal NT
Acts Pet. (Slav.)     Acts of Peter (Slavonic)
Acts Pet. Andr.     Acts of Peter and Andrew
Acts Pet. Paul         Acts of Peter and Paul
Acts Pet.                Vercelli Acts, Acts of Peter,
James, ed. The NT Apocrypha
Acts Phil.             Acts of Philip
Acts Phil. (Syr.)     Acts of Philip (Syriac)
Acts Pil.             Acts of Pilate
Acts Thad.         Acts of Thaddaeus
Acts Thom.         Acts of Thomas
Ap. John             Apocryphon of John
Apo. Cr.            Apostles’s Creed,
Hone, ed. The Apocryphal NT
Apoc. Dosith.     Apocalypse of Dositheus
Apoc. Messos     Apocalypse of Messos
Apoc. Pet.         Apocalypse of Peter
Apoc. Thom.     Apocalypse of Thomas
Apoc. Vir.         Apocalypse of the Virgin
Apos. Con.         Apostolic Constitutions and Canons, commonly called the Clementine Liturgy, ANF 7
Asc. Jas.             Ascents of James
Ass. Mary            Assumption of Mary;
Translation Beatae Mariae Virginis, James, trans., Apocryphal New Testament
Assum. Vir.         Assumption of the Virgin
Bk. Barn.             Book of the Resurrection of Christ by Barnabas the Apostle
Bk. Elch.             Book Elchasai
Cerinthus             Cerinthus
Ep. Alex.             Epistle to the Alexandrians
Ep. Apos.             Epistle to the Apostles
Ep. Apos.             Epistle to the Apostles,
Hone, ed. The Apocryphal NT
Ep. Chr. Abg.         Epistle of Christ and Abgar
Ep. Chr. Heav.     Epistle of Christ from Heaven
Ep. Lao.                 Epistle to the Laodiceans
Ep. Lent.                 Epistle of Lentulus
Ep. Paul Sen.         Epistles of Paul and Seneca
Gos. Barn.             Gospel of Barnabas
Gos. Bart.             Gospel of Bartholomew
Gos. Bas.             Gospel of Basilides
Gos. Bir. Mary     Gospel of the Birth of Mary
Gos. Eb.             Gospel of the Ebionites
Gos. Eg.             Gospel of the Egyptians
Gos. Eve             Gospel of Eve
Gos. Gam.         Gospel of Gamaliel
Gos. Heb.             Gospel of the Hebrews
Gos. Marcion     Gospel of Marcion
Gos. Mary         Gospel of Mary
Gos. Naass.         Gospel of the Naassenes
Gos. Naz.             Gospel of the Nazarenes
Gos. Nic.             Gospel of Nicodemus
Gos. Pet.             Gospel of Peter
Gos. Thom.         Gospel of Thomas
Gos. Trad. Mth.     Gospel and Traditions of Matthias
Hist. Jos. Carp.     History of Joseph the Carpenter
Hymn Dance         Hymn of the Dance
Hymn Pearl         Hymn of the Pearl
Inf. Gos.             Infancy Gospels
Inf. Gos. Thom.     Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Mart. Bart.         Martyrdom of Bartholomew
Mart. Mt.         Martyrdom of Matthew
Mart. Paul         Martyrdom of Paul
Mart. Paul        Martyrdom of Paul from the Acts of Paul,
Eastman, ed. Paul the Martyr
Mart. Pet.         Martyrdom of Peter
Mart. Pet. Paul     Martyrdom of Peter and Paul
Mart. Phil.         Martyrdom of Philip
Melkon             Melkon
Mem. Apos.         Memoria of Apostles
Pre. Pet.             Preaching of Peter
Prot. Jas.             Protevangelium of James
Ps.-Abd.             Apostolic History of Pseudo-Abdias
Ps.-Clem.         Pseudo-Clementines
Ps.-Mt.             Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
Rev. Steph.         Revelation of Stephen
Sec. Gos. Mk.     Secret Gospel of Mark
Vis. Paul             Vision of Paul

Modified December 5, 2016. Copyright © 2016 Electronic Christian Media.

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