Oct 5, 2016

Bible Commentaries

Bible Commentaries

Many older commentaries such as John Gill, John Calvin, Matthew Henry, Scofield's Notes, Adam Clarke, etc. and available online and are great for devotions and sermon preparation, but are not suitable for academic research. For some of the best commentaries see the Best Commentaries website. Here are a few Commentaries that are academically acceptable and available online. Also, see Study Light commentaries for a list of available commentaries online. Note that not all are of academic quality.

  • Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament: With a Critically Revised Text; a Digest of Various Readings; Marginal References to Verbal and Idiomatic Usage; Prolegomena; and a Critical and Exegetical Commentary. 8 vols. London, U.K.: Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1863. An Anglican English churchman, theologian, and scholar. Originally done in four parts from 1849-1861, revised from 1863-1878. PDF
  • Barclay, William. Barclay NT Commentaries. 17 vols. New Daily Study Bible. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster/John Knox, 2004. Barclay (1907-1978) was a Scottish author, radio and television presenter, Church of Scotland minister, and Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at the University of Glasgow. Skeptical about the Trinity, believed in universal salvation, and a pacifism but maintained great insights into the text.
  • Bengel, Johann Albrecht. Gnomon of the New Testament. Translated by Andrew Robert Faussett. 3rd ed. Vol. 2. Smith, English & Company, 1860. This was written in 1742 by Johann Albrecht Bengel and is the result of twenty years' labor. Bengel's Gnomon awakened a fresh interest in the study of the New Testament. This work is still one of the books most valued by expositors of the New Testament.
  • Jamieson, Robert, Andrew Robert Faussett, and David Brown. A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments. Oak Harbor, Wash.: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997. Considered to be conservative and orthodox teachers of the Christian faith which was first published in 1871. Jamieson (1802-1880) and Brown (1803-1897). Dated but still considered helpful.
  • Keil, C. F., and Franz Delitzsch. Commentary on the Old Testament. 10 vols. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2006. Conservative German Lutheran Old Testament scholarship from the nineteenth century which is still helpful.
  • Lightfoot, John. A Commentary on the New Testament From the Talmud and Hebraica. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1859. In a verse by verse format, Lightfoot relates medieval rabbinic traditions, the writings of Josephus, and other Jewish materials to the New Testament.
  • Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm. Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Edited by William P. Dickinson. Translated by John C. Moore and Edwin Johnson. Edinburgh, U.K.: T&T Clark, 1874. Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer, a German Protestant with a gift for languages, published the first commentary in this collection in 1832 at the age of thirty-two. Each volume focuses on the Greek text, and Meyer uses and discusses an abundance of sources and authors to illustrate meaning derived from the text. Meyer also likes to include important bibliographic material which was integral to his studies and research.
  • Nicoll, W. Robertson, ed. The Expositor’s Greek Testament. 5 vols. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1956. List of Commentaries. This work ranks among the most important commentaries on the Greek text of the NT from the 19th century. Drawing from the scholarship of twenty contributors under the editorship of William Robertson Nicoll, this massive reference work contains textual, literary, and grammatical commentary on nearly every Greek word in the entire New Testament.
  • Osborne, Grant R. Series Editor.  InterVarsity Press New Testament Commentary Series (IVPNTC). 20 Volumes. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 1999. The list of 20 contemporary authors.
  • Robertson, A. T. Word Pictures in the New Testament. 6 vols. Nashville, Tenn.: B&H, 1998. Robertson, a renowned Greek New Testament scholar, takes a verse by verse look through the NT, painting word pictures from the Greek to bring to light the words and actions of Jesus and the early Christians. Study Light Link
  • Sproul, R. C. Ed. Reformation Study Bible. Reformation Trust Publishing, 2015. Widely considered one of the best tools available for Bible study, the Reformation Study Bible is edited by theologian R.C. Sproul and contains thousands of in-depth study notes compiled from over 50 distinguished biblical scholars.

Modified October 7, 2016. Copyright © 2016 Electronic Christian Media

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