Oct 4, 2016

Research Resources

Research Resources

Help for Students doing Online courses on

Biblical Archaeology

Students taking a course on Biblical Archaeology will find this short 4 min. video on an Introduction to Biblical Archaeology created by Logos Media Ed introducing their course helpful.  It hosts James Strange, Jodi Magness, and my good friend, Scott Stripling director at Khirbet el-Maqatir.

Doing research!

Doing an online courses can be difficult, especially when the local library does not have a good selection of resources on the Bible or archaeology. Perhaps you are on a ship deployed in the middle of the Pacific or a housewife living in a small town. Access to a good theological library is difficult and where can you go to find resources? Here is a list of sources that will help (see the dropdown menus), which are academic and accessible from anywhere you have the internet. Now you have resources for producing quality research.

Here are a few resources that will help you to provide quality academic research.

  • Your School "Library Subscription Databases" (i.e. JSTOR, ALTA, and ProQuest) and NOT Free popular internet sites for your research.
  • My Books. especially Biblical Archaeology Vol. 1 & 2, Archaeology of the Old Testament, Archaeology of the New Testament, Digging up the Bible, and The Location of Sodom are full of side bar sections on archaeology.
  • Google Books and Amazon.com. Search for a book and use the Look Inside feature. This can be a big help. Use the table of contents of the book. You will need to set up a Google account to view the pages but this is free. Sometimes if the page is not available on one Amazon it is in Google books so make sure to check both sites if you don't see what you need. You do need to watch carefully the quality of the books.  (From a reputable publisher with University in the name i.e., Oxford University Press, Harvard, etc.). Don't use "Archaeology for Dummies!!!" it does exist!!
  • Internet Archive. This site has the largest collection of scanned works in the world. Almost anything that is prior to 1923 is available because of the copyright laws. Various formats are available including PDF, Txt, and Html.
  • Wikipedia. Don't use it!!! The material is notorious for being unreliable and inaccurate. If you do look at an article go to the bottom of the article and find the footnotes and bibliography, where there will often be links to PDF files you can download or books you can look up in Google books or get at the Library. NEVER place Wikipedia in your bibliography.
  • See Research helps in the above menu.

Modified Sep 11, 2016. Copyright © 2016 Electronic Christian Media

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