Oct 6, 2016

Student Helps

Liberty Student Helps

BIBL 471 - Biblical Archaeology

Liberty University Students

Doing an online courses can be difficult, especially when the local library does not have a good selection of resources on the Bible or archaeology. Perhaps you are on a ship deployed in the middle of the Pacific or a housewife living in a small town. Access to a good theological library is difficult and where can you go to find resources. Here is a list of sources that will help, which are academic and accessible from anywhere you have the internet. Now you have no excuse for producing quality research. Liberty Students: Be sure to set up an off campus access account and use the Ezproxy login to gain access to many online articles and books (not necessary now with the new https://mylu.liberty.edu login. Be sure to check out the Liberty Religion & Philosophy Research Guide.

A short 4 min. video on an Introduction to Biblical Archaeology created by Logos Media Ed introducing their course.  It hosts James Strange, Jodi Magness, and my good friend, Scott Stripling director at Khirbet el-Maqatir.

to access Liberty "Library Subscription Databases" (i.e. Liberty Journal Finder, JSTOR, ALTA, and ProQuest) you must be logged into Liberty University's servers. How do I know? Your link will have .../2048/link in the URL. For example http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/ If you go directly to www.jstor.org you will not have access to the paid subscription that Liberty has paid for.

Use the links under this heading to find quality academic sources.
Modified October 6, 2016. Copyright © 2016 Electronic Christian Media

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