Jun 19, 2022

Epic Archaeology Cancel Culture

I recently replied to a post about Bab edh-Dhra being biblical Sodom on an Epic Archaeology Facebook post. In the past I had posted many times to this group and they have warmly appreciated my comments, scholarship, and links.

On June 19, 2022, I responded with several posts including links to my book on the Location of Sodom and other Sodom research and raised questions that challenged his post and claim that Bab edh-Dhra is Sodom. He immediately responded "I thought you would reply" after I did pointing out Bab edh-Dhra is the in the wrong period, wrong archaeology, and wrong geography. Soon Eric Wright who runs this group, PMed me and told me to stop posting anything on his post. I said I would stop posting but then he posted Dr. Bryant Woods article (Wood, Bryant G. “Locating Sodom: A Critique of the Northern Proposal.Bible and Spade 20, no. 3 (2007): 78–84) challenging Dr. Collins research. So in the spirit of fair scholarship I responded with the reference to the article that Dr. Collins wrote (Collins, Steven. “A Response to Bryant G. Wood’s Critique of Collins’ Northern Sodom Theory.Biblical Research Bulletin 7, no. 7 (2007): 1–36). 

Now Ted Wright who runs this group (Epic Archaeology) is certainly free to control it, but I was not disrespectful nor did I violate any of the group rules (none posted). All I did was challenge his article with research that differed from the claim that he was making.

In the PM, I did express my concern about "cancel culture" approach in asking me to stop posting anything to his article. In response he deleted all my post including my replies to other comments on the article. All with facts and research nothing rude or hurtful.

 in PM and now all my links have disappeared from the post along with a colleague who also replied to his posts. Free speech and cancel culture is an epidemic in our culture and sadly has also been adopted by fellow Christians if one do not agree with their date of the Patriarchs. 

Also, many of those who believe Bab edh-Dhra is Sodom are long time friends and respect them deeply, although on this issue of Bab Edh-Dhra as the location of Sodom I believe they are wrong based on the evidence. I have spent over 50 years researching and led to the writing of my book on the Location of Sodom having also taught about it for 15 years. I believe that it should give me the right to provide a professional opinion.

It is sad that someone who is promoting biblical archaeology censors one who gives academic evidence that they will not interact with. Shame on Eric Wright and Epic Archaeology for their censorship of a fellow Christian wanting to defend the authenticity of the biblical text. I would expect better from a Christian and in the spirit of transparency.


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Modified June 19, 2022

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