May 21, 2024

Video Shorts

Video Shorts

Discover an array of captivating short videos covering diverse topics in this curated collection. Each video is accompanied by a corresponding number, leading you to an extensive podcast episode where I had the privilege of being a guest, delving deeper into the subject matter. 

Dive into a treasure trove of concise yet engaging videos, spanning a wide range of subjects. Unveiling a numerical sequence, each video connects you to an enriching podcast episode where I had the honour of sharing my insights as a guest speaker, offering a more comprehensive exploration of the topic at hand.

Embark on an enlightening journey through a compilation of bite-sized videos, touching upon various intriguing subjects. Unveiling a numerical code, each video serves as a gateway to an immersive podcast episode where I had the pleasure of participating as a guest, providing an extensive exploration of the subject matter.

For the full podcasts see LINK.

  1. 013S Dead Sea Scroll Cave 53
  2. 022S Exploring Mount Ararat
  3. 026S Biblical Burial Practices
  4. 033S The Pool of Siloam


Updated May, 2024


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