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Dr. Graves Biography (Everybody Wiki)
For Books see
Here are the books in the Biblical Archaeology Series that are written for the undergraduate level. Several are available in hardback from Amazon. Link
Here are the books in the Cultural Background of the Bible Series that are written for the undergraduate level. Several are available in hardback from Amazon.
42 David E. Graves, “The Importance of the Hittite Suzerainty Treaty for Biblical Scholarship,” in Scripture in Its Material and Literary Context: Historical, Archaeological, and Cultural Correlations: Edwin Yamauchi Festschrift, ed. Mark A. Hassler, Clyde E. Billington, and D. Scott Stripling (New York: T & T Clark, forthcoming), 1–24.
Archaeology Coloring Books Series 4
8.5 X 11 format
Paperback B&W ISBN: 979 Amazon ASIN:
For Further information See LINK
8.5 X 11 format
Paperback B&W ISBN: 979-8346608899 Amazon ASIN: B0DN6TLPSM
For Further information See LINK
39. Bible Archaeology New Testament Coloring Book
8.5 X 11 format
For Further information See LINK
8.5 X11 format 68 pages
6 X 9 format, ca 439 pages
Over 550 pictures
7 Maps
Paperback B&W ISBN: 979-8306699899 Amazon ASIN: B0DSTXHN88
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8306711324 Amazon ASIN: B0DSTZGVC5
For Further information SEE LINK
36. Biblical Archaeology I: Archaeology of the Old Testament | ARCH 301 Handbook. A Faith Bible Institute Elective Course. Filmed 2022. 12 - 50 min classes. More Information.
35. An Illustrated Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology: Defining the Ancient World of the Bible (Electronic Christian Media, 2024). Biblical Archaeology Series 8
8 X 10 format, ca 380 pages
Paperback Colour 8X10 Format ISBN: 979-8337858722
34. The History of Biblical Archaeology: Uncovering the Ancient World of the Bible (Electronic Christian Media, 2024). Biblical Archaeology Series 7
6 X 9 format, ca 485 pages
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8321804315 Amazon ASIN: B0CZSDH6P4
Hard Cover Colour ISBN: 979-8321912096 Amazon ASIN: B0CZX3BJXP
ELTON ELMER GRAVES (1932–1990) was a musician and business man from Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada who was married to Hilda Luella Dimock. They had three children, David, Sheila and Susan.
Publisher: Electronic Christian Media
6 X 9 format, ca 342 pages
Paperback Black & White ISBN: Amazon ASIN:
Paperback Colour ISBN: 9798854231800 Amazon ASIN: B0CCZSWC2D
Hard Cover Colour ISBN: 979-8854289405 Amazon ASIN: B0CD12P9ZB
32. David E. Graves and Georgia Luella Dimock, The Genealogy of LeBaron Dimock and the Memoirs of Georgia Luella Dimock, Electronic Christian Media, 2022.
29. William M. Ramsay, The Cities of St. Paul. Their Influence on His life and Thought. The Cities of Eastern Asia Minor.
Hard Cover 8.25X11 Format Color ISBN: 979-8338029985 ASIN: B0DHYBRWYF
For Further information SEE LINK
34. The History of Biblical Archaeology: Uncovering the Ancient World of the Bible (Electronic Christian Media, 2024). Biblical Archaeology Series 7
6 X 9 format, ca 485 pages
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8321804315 Amazon ASIN: B0CZSDH6P4
Hard Cover Colour ISBN: 979-8321912096 Amazon ASIN: B0CZX3BJXP
For Further information SEE LINK
33. David Elton Graves, The Ancestry of Elton Elmer Graves (1932–1990). (Electronic Christian Media, 2023).
6 X 9 format, ca 342 pages
Paperback Black & White ISBN: Amazon ASIN:
Paperback Colour ISBN: 9798854231800 Amazon ASIN: B0CCZSWC2D
Hard Cover Colour ISBN: 979-8854289405 Amazon ASIN: B0CD12P9ZB
For Further information SEE LINK.
32. David E. Graves and Georgia Luella Dimock, The Genealogy of LeBaron Dimock and the Memoirs of Georgia Luella Dimock, Electronic Christian Media, 2022.
Includes images, footnotes and subject index.
Publisher: Electronic Christian Media
6 X 9 format, 241 pages
Paperback Black & White ISBN: 979-8362336844 Amazon ASIN: B0BLGG7M92
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8361887170 Amazon ASIN: B0BLG34XXY
Hardcover Colour ISBN: 979-8362160005 Amazon ASIN: B0BLGJV5R2
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8361887170 Amazon ASIN: B0BLG34XXY
Hardcover Colour ISBN: 979-8362160005 Amazon ASIN: B0BLGJV5R2
For Further information SEE LINK.
31. Douglas Petrovich, Origins of the Hebrews: New Evidence of Israelites in Egypt from Joseph to the Exodus, 2021, I provided many of the charts and drawings for the book.
NOTE: I do not receive any royalties for this work just a privilege to have contributed.
314 Pages
Publisher: New Creation, 2021
For a signed copy from Douglas Petrovich.
Hardcover Colour ISBN: 9780999040959 Amazon
30. William M. Ramsay, The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament.
Updated and Revised Edition by David E. Graves
Updated images, footnotes and subject index.
Publisher: Electronic Christian Media, 2021
7 X 10 format, 221 pages (photographs, and maps)
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8481785967
Hardcover Colour ISBN: 979-8373787451
For Further information SEE LINK.
29. William M. Ramsay, The Cities of St. Paul. Their Influence on His life and Thought. The Cities of Eastern Asia Minor.
Updated and Revised Edition by David E. Graves
Updated images, footnotes and subject index.
Publisher: Electronic Christian Media, 2021
7 X 10 format, 240 pages (over 10 photographs, and maps)
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8519522182
For Further information SEE LINK.
28. The Archaeology of Biblical People: 101 Discoveries that Support the Reliability of the Bible. Biblical Archaeology Series 4. Moncton, Canada: Electronic Christian Media, January 2021.
Logos Digital Software edition: Coming soon
26. The Cities of the New Testament World: An Illustrated Guide to the Places of the Bible in the Steps of Jesus and the Apostles. 2023
Cultural Background of the Bible Series #3
This will cover 101 people who are confirmed in extra-biblical documents including ancient writers, pottery, stelae, inscriptions, bullae (and seals), coins, and other artifacts.
Publisher: Electronic Christian Media, 2021
7 X 10 format, 324 pages (over 210 photographs, charts and maps)
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8591394004
Hardcover Colour ISBN: 979-8591394004

For Further information SEE LINK.
27. A Arqueologia Do Antigo Testamento: 115 Descobertas Que Apoiam a Confiabilidadeda Bíblia. Traduzido por Lucas R. Queiroz e Douglas Alves de Sousa. Moncton, N.B.: Electronic Christian Media, 2023.
The first translation of one of my books and it will be into Portuguese.
É a primeira tradução de um dos meus livros e será para o português.
Editora: Electronic Christian Media, 2023
7X10 formatar, 298 Páginas.
Universal Books Link
ISBN de capa mole em preto e branco: em breve
Cor do livro de bolso ISBN: 979-8859078479
ISBN de capa mole em preto e branco: em breve
Cor do livro de bolso ISBN: 979-8859078479
Para mais informações VER LINK.
26. The Cities of the New Testament World: An Illustrated Guide to the Places of the Bible in the Steps of Jesus and the Apostles. 2023
This will cover some 85 New Testament cities/towns in Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Perea, the
Decapolis, Syria, Asia Minor, Macedonia, Achaia (Greece), in the
Mediterranean Sea, and Italy. It will cover the identity, and historical
background, along with the New Testament relevance for each city. It will be beautifully illustrated with over 325 colourful, maps, timelines, charts, photographs, and illustrations.
Logos Digital Software edition: Coming soon
25. A Preliminary Report on the Tall al-Hammam Excavation Project: Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic Remains: Field LR (2005–2014). Edited by Steven Collins, Gary Byers and D. Scott Stripling. 2021.
Field LR stands for the Lower Roman area and consists of ceramics and artifacts from the Roman, Byzantine and Islamic periods. Includes square drawings, 65 ceramic plates, maps, colour photographs and illustrations.
Publisher: Electronic Christian Media, 2021
Publisher: Electronic Christian Media, 2023
7 X 11 format, 662 pages
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8371891075 Amazon ASIN: B0BRDHRCZV
Paperback Black & White. ISBN: 979-8372255494 Amazon ASIN: B0BRDCPW46

For Further information SEE LINK.
25. A Preliminary Report on the Tall al-Hammam Excavation Project: Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic Remains: Field LR (2005–2014). Edited by Steven Collins, Gary Byers and D. Scott Stripling. 2021.
Field LR stands for the Lower Roman area and consists of ceramics and artifacts from the Roman, Byzantine and Islamic periods. Includes square drawings, 65 ceramic plates, maps, colour photographs and illustrations.
Publisher: Electronic Christian Media, 2021
8.25 X 11 format, ca. 234 pages
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8748800105
24. The Cultural Background of the Old Testament: Bringing the Ancient World of the Bible to Life. Moncton, Canada: Electronic Christian Media, 2020.
7 X 10 format, 402 pages.
Logos Digital Software edition: Coming soon
Logos Digital Software edition: Coming soon
Hardcover Colour ISBN: 979-8362349844
For Further information SEE LINK.
On the site of Tall el-Hammam see
24. The Cultural Background of the Old Testament: Bringing the Ancient World of the Bible to Life. Moncton, Canada: Electronic Christian Media, 2020.
7 X 10 format, 402 pages.
Paperback Colour. ISBN: 979-8680544433
Paperback Black & White. ISBN: 979-8681364689
Hardcover Colour. ISBN: 979-8716772199

For Further information SEE LINK.
23. The Cultural Background of the New Testament: Bringing the Ancient World of the Bible to Life. Moncton, Canada: Electronic Christian Media, 2020.7 X 10 format, 442 pages.
Paperback Colour ISBN: 979-8679162747
Paperback Black & White. ISBN: 979-8681003397
Hardcover Colour. ISBN: 979-8716695221
For Further information SEE LINK.
22. Holden, Joseph M., and Steven Collins, eds. Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands: A Panoramic Survey of the History, Geography, and Culture of the Scriptures. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, February 2020.
Publisher: Harvest House, 2020.
22. Holden, Joseph M., and Steven Collins, eds. Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands: A Panoramic Survey of the History, Geography, and Culture of the Scriptures. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, February 2020.
Publisher: Harvest House, 2020.
8 X 10 format, 400 pages.
Hardcover Colour. ISBN: 978-0736975421
7 X 10 format, 305 pages.
Logos Digital Software edition: Coming soon
6 X 9 format, 138 pages.
Paperback Black & White.
For Further information SEE LINK.
21. The Archaeology of the Old Testament: 115 Discoveries That Support the Reliability of the Bible. Biblical Archaeology Series 2. Moncton, NB, Canada: Electronic Christian Media, September 2019.
7 X 10 format, 305 pages.
Universal book Links
Paperback Black & White. ISBN: 978-1672868853
Paperback Colour. ISBN: 978-1692356101
Paperback Black & White. ISBN: 978-1672868853
Paperback Colour. ISBN: 978-1692356101
Hardcover Colour. ISBN: 979-8706949532

For Further information SEE LINK.
20. Digging Up the Bible: Introduction and Brief History of Biblical Archaeology. Biblical Archaeology Series 1. Moncton, N.B.: Electronic Christian Media, 2019.
20. Digging Up the Bible: Introduction and Brief History of Biblical Archaeology. Biblical Archaeology Series 1. Moncton, N.B.: Electronic Christian Media, 2019.
6 X 9 format, 138 pages.
Paperback Black & White.