Aug 27, 2020

The Private Life of the Romans

Book 16

The Private Life of the Romans: Updated and Revised Edition. Moncton, Canada: Electronic Christian Media, 2018.

     Discover the ancient Roman way of life through the eyes of the Romans themselves. Harold Johnston, a noted classical historian and professor of Latin, has carefully documented an invaluable insight into the private lives of the Romans. In Johnston’s detailed account, readers can discover the inner workings of daily life in ancient Rome including where they lived, how their homes were decorated, what was involved in marriage, and what was the place of women, children, and slavery. Also, discover what men and women wore and ate and what they did for entertainment, including baths, board games and gladiatorial games. Explore how the Romans traveled and did their correspondence? Read about who they worshiped and how they buried their dead and what was their funeral customs.
     This newly revised edition has included a completely new typeface and page layout that makes it easier to read. The language and format were updated for modern readers. Numerous illustrations, and over 250 contemporary photographs have been added to enhance the text and provide the most recent scholarly research. An updated bibliography and index of subjects are also provided to assist the user in accessing the material.
     An engaging resource is ideal for high school and college students, or others who want to know more about the realities of life in ancient Rome. 

Sample page of The Private Life of the Romans


7X10 format, 291 pages

Black and white paperback (ISBN: 978-1726864916) from AmazonAbeBooksAlibrisBlackwelland Book Depository.

Full color paperback (ISBN: 978-1727139952) from Amazon; AbeBooksAlibris; and Book Depository.

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