Oct 20, 2012

New article published in the NEASB

The Near East Archaeological Society has just published my article entitled “Influence of the Ancient Near Eastern Vassal Treaties on the Hippocratic Oath.” Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin
57 (2012): 27–45. The article was developed out of research I did for my Ph.D. and thought it deserved publishing as no one has ever identified this connection before with the Hippocratic Oath. The article contributes to the research being done in the area of demonstrating an influence of Babylon on Greek culture. I'm grateful to the peer review of the article and the suggestions they made to improve it.

Also in the same issue.
Graves, David E. “Review of Kamash, Zena. Archaeologies of Water in the Roman Near East: 63 BC - AD 636. Gorgias Dissertations in Near Eastern Studies 54. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2010.” Near East Archaeology Society Bulletin no. 57 (2012): 56–57.


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Updated January, 2025

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