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Map of the Dead Sea levels. |
This theory was further substantiated
by Ralph Baney’s discovery in 1960 of small trees in the upright growth position
beneath the southern basin of the Dead Sea but did not find any ancient
structures.2. Albright did, however, find the ruins of a
fortified site, named Bab edh-Dhrâ, overlooking the deep ravine of Wadi Kerak.[3]. Taking into consideration the lack of occupational debris and
seven fallen limestone monoliths found a short distance east of Bab edh-Dhrâ, Albright concluded that this was a place of pilgrimage where annual feasts
were celebrated.
More recently in 2011 a Russian
exploration group used submarines to explore and photograph the bottom of the
Dead Sea. Needless to say nothing was found.[4].
The Dead Sea is one of the most
interesting bodies of water particularly as it is the lowest point on earth
along the Great Rift Valley in Jordan (both Tall el-Hammam and Bab edh-Dhra are situated the Great Rift Valley). According to the Israel Marine Data Center (ISRAMAR)
"Monitoring of the Dead Sea" along with geological and archaeological evidence, today the Dead Sea is -423 meters (1,388 ft) below
sea level.[5].
Extensive geological and archaeological research has been carried out by Frumkin and Elitzur who summarize their research:
The only period of time when the Dead Sea was lower than today (2016 -430.5m) was during the Byzantine period (500 AD) at about -440 m below sea level and visible on the Madaba map where there is only water evident in the northern basin. The research all translates into the following measurements and periods compiled by Frumkin, Kadan, Yehouda, and Eyal:There are three historically documented phases of the Dead Sea in the Biblical record: low lake levels ca. 2000–1500 B.C.E. (before common era [MB]); high lake levels ca. 1500–1200 B.C.E.[LB]; and low lake levels between ca. 1000 and 700 B.C.E. [IA]. The Biblical evidence indicates that during the dry periods the southern basin of the Dead Sea was completely dry, a fact that was not clear from the geological and archaeological data alone.[6].
Dead Sea Level* Period 14C BP Calibrated age range Archaeology Period
–340? 9200–7000 8300–6000 BC Pre-Pottery Neolithic
–385 3100–2600 1400–800 BC EB, LB, IA**
–390 2100–1700 332–63 BC Hellenistic
–392 60–0 1890–1950 AD British Mandate [7].
-430.5 Modern 2016 Modern
* Approximate maximum level of meters below sea level. Remember measurements are in negative value because they are below sea level.
** EB = Early Bronze Age; LB = Late Bronze Age; IA = Iron Age
[1]. William
F. Albright, “The Jordan Valley in the Bronze Age,” Annual of the American
Schools of Oriental Research 6 (1925 1924): 13–74; The Archaeology of
Palestine (London, U.K.:
Penquin, 1956), 135–36; Paul W. Lapp, “Bâb edh-Dhrâʿ, Perizzites and Emim,” in Jerusalem
Through the Ages: The Twenty-fifth Archaeological Convention (Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society, 1968), 25; Joseph Free and Howard F. Vos, Archaeology
and Bible History (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1992), 57; David Neev and
Kenneth O. Emery, Destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah and Jericho: Geological,
Climatological and Archaeological Backgrounds (Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University
Press, 1995), 30.
[2]. Ralph E. Baney, Search for Sodom and Gomorrah, 2nd ed. (Kansas City, Mont.: CAM Press, 1962), 178.
[3]. William F. Albright, J. L. Kelso, and J. P. Thorley, “Early Bronze Age Pottery from Bab-ed-Dra in Moab,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 95 (1944): 1–13.
[4]. David Lev "Russia Decides to Search for Sodom and Gomorrah - in Jordan." Arutz 7 Israel National News Dec 14, 2010. Collins and Scott, Discovering the City of Sodom, 101.
[5]. Gertman, H. Hecht. “The Dead Sea Hydrography from 1992 to 2000.” Journal of Marine Systems 35 (2002): 169–81.
[6]. Frumkin, Amos, and Yoel Elitzur. “Historic Dead Sea Level Fluctuations Calibrated with Geological and Archaeological Evidence.” Quatenary Research 57 (2002): 334–42.
[7]. Frumkin, Amos, Galit Kadan, Enzel
Yehouda, and Yehuda Eyal. “Radiocarbon Chronology of the Holocene Dead Sea:
Attempting A Regional Correlation.” Radiocarbon 43, no. 3 (2001): 1187.
[8]. http://www3.nd.edu/~mchesson/edsp_beddescription.html
[2]. Ralph E. Baney, Search for Sodom and Gomorrah, 2nd ed. (Kansas City, Mont.: CAM Press, 1962), 178.
[3]. William F. Albright, J. L. Kelso, and J. P. Thorley, “Early Bronze Age Pottery from Bab-ed-Dra in Moab,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 95 (1944): 1–13.
[4]. David Lev "Russia Decides to Search for Sodom and Gomorrah - in Jordan." Arutz 7 Israel National News Dec 14, 2010. Collins and Scott, Discovering the City of Sodom, 101.
[5]. Gertman, H. Hecht. “The Dead Sea Hydrography from 1992 to 2000.” Journal of Marine Systems 35 (2002): 169–81.
[6]. Frumkin, Amos, and Yoel Elitzur. “Historic Dead Sea Level Fluctuations Calibrated with Geological and Archaeological Evidence.” Quatenary Research 57 (2002): 334–42.
———. “The Rise and Fall of the Dead Sea.” BAR 27, no. 6 (2001): 42–50.
Frumkin, Amos. “The Holocene History of Dead Sea Levels.” In The Dead Sea: The Lake and Its Setting, edited by Tina M. Niemi, Zvi Ben-Avraham, and Joel R. Gat, 237–48. Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics 36. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 1997.
[8]. http://www3.nd.edu/~mchesson/edsp_beddescription.html
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pages 152-154 |
Graves, David E. The Location of Sodom: Color Edition. Key Facts for Navigating the Maze of Arguments for the Location of the Cities of the Plain. Toronto: Electronic Christian Media, 2018.
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