Early Roman table amphora with strainer.This double handled vessel was beautifully painted with red paint. The neck contained a five hole strainer.
Avissar, Tel Yoqne’am; Loffreda, La ceramica di Macheronte e dell’Herodion, Fig. 20:17Early Roman terracotta wine jug (ca.1st century AD). Sometimes the handle is on the side but here it is in the back.
Miriam Avissar, ed., Tel Yoqne’am: Excavations on the Acropolis, IAA Reports 25 (Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2006), 46 no. 2.Stanislao Loffreda, La Ceramica, Cafarnaeo 2 (Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1974), 810, Fig. 4:6.
Stanislao Loffreda, La ceramica di Macheronte e dell’Herodion: (90 a.C.-135 d.C.) (Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1996), 6, Fig. 25:1.
Early Roman terracotta table amphora (ca.1st century AD). This one is similar to the one above but the handle was missing and made of a lighter clay.
Avissar, Tel Yoqne’am, 46 no. 2.
Loffreda, La ceramica di Macheronte e dell’Herodion, Fig. 20:15.
R. Bar-Nathan, “The Finds at Lower Herodium,” in Greater Herodium, ed. Ehud Netzer, Qedem 13 (Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1981), Fig. 4:7.
Hendrix, Drey, and Storfjell, (1996) Ancient Pottery of Transjordan, 249, no. 382; Montlivault-Villeneuve, “Gargoulettes Byzantines de Jérash,” 139–44.
Walmsley, “Households at Pella,” 239–72.
Hendrix, Drey, and Storfjell, (1996) Ancient Pottery of Transjordan, 249, no. 382; E. G. de. Montlivault-Villeneuve, “Gargoulettes Byzantines de Jérash,” Berytus 34 (1986): 139–44.Alan Walmsley, “Households at Pella, Jordan: Domestic Destruction Deposits of the Mid-8th C.,” Late Antique Archaeology 5, no. 1 (2009): 239–72.
Roman table Amphora with double handles. The jar was laying together but broken so it was easily mended.
Comparison vessel
Single handled ribbed Hellenistic/Early Roman Biconical Jug.
Hendrix, Drey, and Storfjell, (1996) Ancient Pottery of Transjordan, 217 no. 304; Philip C. Hammond, “Pottery from Petra,” PEQ 105, no. 1 (January 1, 1973): 41: no. 15.John W. Hayes, Roman Pottery in the Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1976), Fig. 312.
British Museum Access # 1982,0729.355
Augustus W. Franks, “On Recent Excavations at Carthage,” Artlzaealogia 38 (1860): 163–86.
John W. Hayes, Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery (Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 76, Pl. 29.
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