Mar 24, 2021

Preliminary Report on the Tall al-Hammam Excavation Project: Field LR

A Preliminary Report on the Tall al-Hammam Excavation Project: Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic Remains: Field LR (2005–2017). Edited by Steven Collins, Gary Byers and D. Scott Stripling. 2021.
Field LR stands for the Lower Roman area and consists of ceramics and artifacts from the Roman, Byzantine and Islamic periods. Includes square drawings, 65 ceramic plates, maps, color photographs and illustrations. 

     This is A Preliminary Report on the Tall al-Hammam Excavation Project that covers Field LR (Lower Roman Area, 2005–2017) of ten years of excavation seasons over 12 years under the direction of Steven Collins of Trinity Southwest University, Veritas International University and assisted by Gary Byers and Carroll Kobs, assistant dig directors. The Roman area (Field LR) was under the field supervision of David E. Graves (2005–2017) and D. Scott Stripling (2005–2011). Excavations began in Jordan in 2005–2006 and have continued annually until 2020. However, there were no excavations in the Roman area in 2013 (season eight) and 2016 (season eleven). This volume presents an overview of the site discoveries during the Roman, Byzantine and Islamic periods. It includes the pottery profiles, assemblages and artifacts discovered in the course of these seasons. Includes square drawings, 65 ceramic plates, maps, color photographs and illustrations.

The research supports our identification of what we believe to be the bath complex of Herod Antipas and the site as part of the important ancient city of Livias (Perean city where Herod spent much time).  Edersheim believed that Herod was living there during Jesus lifetime since he did not encounter Jesus until he came to Jerusalem just on the other side of the Jordan from Livias. 

Also, see other research on Livias in Graves, David E., and D. Scott Stripling. “Re-Examination of the Location for the Ancient City of Livias.” Levant 43, no. 2 (2011): 178–200.

Graves, David E., and D. Scott Stripling. “Identification of Tall El-Hammam on the Madaba Map.” Bible and Spade 20, no. 2 (2007): 35–45.

Additional archaeological evidence for the Chalcolithic, Early Bronze, Middle Bronze, Iron Age is published in the Preliminary Report above and The Tall el-Hammam Excavations, Volume 1.

Publisher: Electronic Christian Media, 2021.
8.25 X 11 format, ca. 234 pages
Paperback Colour edition ISBN: 979-8748800105  Amazon ASIN: ‎ B0947RVGX2
Hardcover Colour edition ISBN: 979-8362349844 Amazon ASIN: B0BLGBKLXG

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