A busy day today. We headed for Jerash for a tour and it was overcast but no rain at that spot then we headed north to the Sea of Galilee and a high fortification overlooking the Golan heights and Sea of Galilee. But it was raining hard and so we ran up to the restaurant and then ran down. We met a girl from Norway who sold her apartment and was on her way around the world. It was her 11th month of 12. She was trying to keep warm by the fire. It was really cold up north today.
Then we drove to Pella which is an archaeology site that the Finish are going to be excavating tomorrow for 6 weeks. It has some excavated middle bronze stone we wanted to show the students so they would know what they looked like. They are really, really big. The late iron on the top are much smaller and easy to move. Glad it’s not the other way around.
When we got back to the hotel it was pouring. While we were having supper they told us that we should go out as there was an emergency. Well we all ran outside and stood under the porch and it was the loudest thunder and lightening that I have ever heard. Well it was a false alarm so I was wet for the third time. I’m going to get into the shower just to get dry.
It is going to be raining here for the next two days so we will not be digging tomorrow but reading pottery and doing some training.
1 comment:
Hi David,
Glad to see you are making some exciting discoveries! I'm doing applied theology in Dublin at the Irish Bible Institute and am in the middle of an assignment at the moment. The requirement is to undertake a study on a region of geographical and archaeological significance in the Ancient Near East focusing especially on how the physical environment of that region played a role in biblical events that transpired there. I saw a BBC documentary on Sodom and Gomorrah a few months ago and thought that it would be a great idea to do my report based on their location. Baaaaaaaaaad idea!!! I had no idea there were so many different theories as to their whereabouts!! Anyway I have spent a longer time than I should have on actually trying to decide where I should say they are located. I am having to generalise more than I would like on the details I am writing in my report because of a lack of concrete information. I have to say though that I am really liking the whole Tall-el Hammam idea! It's a pity I'm not doing this project in a year's time when there is bound to be more information from your work out there. If I was to ask you and your fellow-workers what makes you think that Tall el-Hammam is the location of Sodom then what would your answer be? Just a few insights from the heart of the action would be very much appreciated :)
P.S. The assignment is due in next Tuesday ..... no pressure like!! :D
Even if you don't get round to answering I will look forward to checking up on the findings of the excavation out there in the near future. Hope you all have a great time!
God Bless,
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