Jan 4, 2007

Tall el-hammam full jar rim discovered

Today was another day of filling buckets with pottery. What a rich site for pottery! We have taken our third large storage jar. We have found one with a complete rim. We will be able to glew it back together again. Here is our square team with Mike on the far left. He is a nucular engineer retired now and wanted to come on a dig. He actually discovered the storage jar just poking out of the ground. Vanya Talylor holding the jar rim is from El Salvador and married to Aaron one of our square supervisors and extracted the third storage jar. She holds the rim and upper collar. Next in the back is myself taking a rest. Ali worked on the first jar yesterday. And George on the end is the curator at the Trinty Southwest University museum and assisted in the extraction of the jars. It was a real team effort. In the back ground you can see Jericho and Jerusalem in the distance. It was a beautiful clear day this morning to see the cities clear as day.

We have tomorrow off and leave for Jerash to visit the beautiful Roman ruins. We will have photo's from the trip tomorrow.

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